_AccountIdentifier | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-100 06B-030 String |
_CashOrMarketValueAmount | #DOCUMENTATION:Money 06A-040 (Cash Deposit Toward Purchase)06B-040
(Life Insurance)06D-050 (Automobile)06C-110 (All other assets)When
used in conjunction with Asset Type.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount |
_HolderCity | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-060 String |
_HolderName | #DOCUMENTATION:06A-030 06C-040 String |
_HolderPostalCode | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-080 06C-090 String |
_HolderState | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-070 String |
_HolderStreetAddress | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-050 String |
_HolderStreetAddress2 | The unstructured second line of the street address at which the individual or organization that holds the borrower's assets is located. |
_ID | |
_Type | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-030 Enumerated
added enumerations for AUS 2.2
added enumerations in AUS 2.4 |
_VerifiedIndicator | Added to AUS 2.3 |
AssetDescription | A text description that further defines the Asset. This could be used to describe the shares associated with the stocks, bonds or mutual funds, retirement funds or business owned that the borrower has disclosed (named) as an asset. |
AutomobileMakeDescription | #DOCUMENTATION:06D-030 String |
AutomobileModelYear | #DOCUMENTATION:06D-040 NumericUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
BorrowerID | |
LifeInsuranceFaceValueAmount | #DOCUMENTATION:06B-050 MoneyUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount |
OtherAssetTypeDescription | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-130 String |
StockBondMutualFundShareCount | #DOCUMENTATION:06C-120 NumericUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |