_LenderIdentifieradded to AUS 2.2 String
_SponsorIdentifieradded to AUS 2.2 String
BorrowerFinancedFHADiscountPointsAmount#DOCUMENTATION:Dollar amount of discount points to be financed on a FHA no cash out refinance MoneyUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
BorrowerHomeInspectionChosenIndicatorWhen true indicates that borrower(s) have chosen to have a home inspection performed.
DaysToFHA_MIEligibilityCountSpecifies the number of days in which the borrower will be determined to be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
FHA_MIPremiumRefundAmount#DOCUMENTATION:GOB-050 MoneyUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
FHAAlimonyLiabilityTreatmentType#DOCUMENTATION:Indicates how the borrower or lender prefers that the judgment process treat alimony in an FHA transaction. Numeric
FHACoverageRenewalRatePercent#DOCUMENTATION:GOB-060 NumericUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
FHAEnergyRelatedRepairsOrImprovementsAmountDollar amount considered for energy related items.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
FHAGeneralServicesAdministrationCodeIdentifierThe General Services Administrations (GSA) identifier from the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs. This is documented on the HUD-92900-WS.
FHALimitedDenialParticipationIdentifierIdentifier obtained from review of HUDs Limited Denial of Participation (LDP). This identifier is placed on the HUD-92900-WS.
FHANonOwnerOccupancyRiderRule248IndicatorOn the FHA Non Owner Occupancy Rider, this indicates that the Borrower is an Indian Tribe as provided in Section 248 of the National Housing Act or a serviceperson who is unable to occupy the Property because of his or her duty assignment as provided in Section 216 or Subsection(b)(4) or (f) of Section 222 of the National Housing Act. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD.
FHARefinanceInterestOnExistingLienAmountDollar amount of interest on existing lien, for FHA refinanceUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
FHARefinanceOriginalExistingFHACaseIdentifierOriginal FHA Case Number for refinance
FHARefinanceOriginalExistingUpFrontMIPAmountAmount paid for Original Upfront MIP for refinance loanUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
FHAUnderwriterComputerizedHomesUnderwritingSystemIdentifierThe FHA assigned number that identifies the Direct Endorsement underwriter authorized to approve the loan on behalf of the FHA.
FHAUpfrontMIPremiumPercent#DOCUMENTATION:GOB-040 NumericUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
HUDAdequateAvailableAssetsIndicatorIndicates that borrower has adequate available assets for HUD approval
HUDAdequateEffectiveIncomeIndicatorIndicates borrower effective income is adequate for HUD approval
HUDCreditCharacteristicsIndicatorIndicates borrower meets credit characteristics for HUD approval
HUDStableEffectiveIncomeIndicatorIndicates borrowers stable effective income meets HUD approval
SectionOfActType#DOCUMENTATION:GOB-020 Enumerated Added enumerations in AUS 2.4
SectionOfActTypeOtherDescriptionAdded in AUS 2.4
SoldUnderHUDSingleFamilyPropertyDispositionProgramIndicatorOn the FHA Non Owner Occupancy Rider, this indicates that the Security Instrument applies to Property sold under HUD Single Family Property Disposition Program and meets the requirements thereof. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD.
