MERS_MINNumberNumber used by MERS to identify loans. Referred to as the MIN, Mortgage Identification Number.
MERSMortgageeOfRecordIndicatorIndicates whether the loan was originated with MERS as the original mortgagee of record (MOM).
MERSOriginalMortgageeOfRecordIndicatorIndicates whether the loan was originated with MERS as the original mortgagee of record (MOM).
MERSRegistrationDateThe date the loan was originally registered with MERS using the Mortgage Identification Number (MIN).Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year
MERSRegistrationIndicatorIndicates that the loan has been registered with MERS.
MERSRegistrationStatusTypeDeprecate enumerated value PreRegistered due to incorrect capitalization
MERSRegistrationStatusTypeOtherDescriptionA free-form text field used to capture the MERS Registration Status Type name if Other is selected as the MERS Registration Status Type.
MERSTaxNumberIdentifierThe Tax Identification Number of MERS.
