_ID | |
BorrowerMITerminationDate | The date that the borrower may request cancellation of MI insurance as identified by HOEPA regulations.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
MI_FHAUpfrontPremiumAmount | Amount of FHA mortgage insurance paid at closingUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount |
MI_LTVCutoffPercent | LTV cutoff for collection of mortgage insurance.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
MI_LTVCutoffType | Specifies the basis of the mortgage insurance LTV cutoff |
MICertificateIdentifier | The number assigned by a mortgage insurer to track a loan. |
MICollectedNumberOfMonthsCount | The number of months of MI escrow that is collected at settlement.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
MICompanyName | To convey the MI company name in free-form text. |
MICushionNumberOfMonthsCount | The number of months of MI escrow that is to be considered in the cushion for aggregate accounting.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
MIDurationType | Specifies the duration of coverage provided by the private mortgage insurance payment. |
MIEscrowIncludedInAggregateIndicator | Indicates whether Private Mortgage Insurance Escrow is to be included in the cushion for Aggregate Accounting. |
MIInitialPremiumAmount | Amount of the first premium paid to MI. For monthly plans, one months premium; for all other plans, Initial Premium Rate times Base Loan Amount.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType | Specifies whether the initial Mortgage Insurance premium is prepaid upon closing or deferred until first principle payment. |
MIInitialPremiumRateDurationMonths | Indicates the number of months for which the MI Initial Premium Rate applies.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
MIInitialPremiumRatePercent | MI initial premium rate percent used to compute the initial MI premium amount.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator | Indicates whether mortgage insurance premium has been added to loan amount. |
MIPremiumFromClosingAmount | Amount of MI premium due from closing. Zero for deferred monthly; otherwise is a months, years or life premium for regular monthly, annual, or life of loan premium plans.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount |
MIPremiumPaymentType | Code description for source of premium payments and how they were or are to be paid. |
MIPremiumRefundableType | Specifies how the private mortgage insurance premiums will be treated if the private mortgage insurance coverage is canceled. |
MIPremiumTermMonths | The number of months of mortgage insurance coverage pre-paid by the initial premium.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
MIRenewalCalculationType | Specifies the way in which the renewal premiums will be calculated. |
MIScheduledTerminationDate | The projected mandatory date the mortgage insurance must be terminated when a set loan to value percent is reached as identified by HOEPA regulations. Also know as Mandatory MI Termination Date on PMI disclosure forms.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
MISourceType | Source of mortgage protection insurance |
ScheduledAmortizationMidpointDate | Based on scheduled amortization, date at which the loan due date reaches the midpoint of the loans amortization period (e.g., for a 360 month loan, the date of month number 181).Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |