_AllowableFHAClosingCostIndicatorFee is an allowable FHA Closing Cost.
_AmountThe dollar amount for RESPA fee type.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
_CollectedByTypeParty collecting fee
_IncludedInAPRIndicatorFee is to be included in APR calculations.
_NetDueAmountThe portion or remaining amount of the fee payment still due from the Borrower or Seller, after application of Paid Out Of Closing and Paid Through Closing fee payment amounts. The resulting fee amount reflected to be still due as required on the HUD-1. CALCULATED RESULT FIELD FORM SPECIFIC FIELDUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
_PaidByTypeParty responsible for payment of fee.
_PaidByTypeThirdPartyNameThe name or description of the party paying the fee when Third Party is the selected enumerated value for RESPA Fee Payment Paid By Type.
_PaidOutsideOfClosingIndicatorIndicates payment of fee was paid outside of closing
_PercentThe portion of the RESPA Fee Total Percent that is to be paid by the specified party. The party is identified in the RESPA Fee Payment Paid By TypeUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
_ProcessTypeProcessing - typical buyer paid fee to be disclosed on GFE Closing - typical seller fee not disclosed on GFE
_Section32IndicatorIndicates whether fee should be included in Section 32 determination
