_City | The city in which the Required Service Provider is located. |
_ID | |
_Name | The name of the Required Provider of Service |
_NatureOfRelationshipDescription | Describe the nature of any relationship between each required service provider and the lender. Plain English references to the relationship should be utilized such as Depositor of Lender, Borrower of Lender, Used frequently/regularly in our settlements in the past year. |
_PostalCode | The postal code (zip code in the US) of the address of the Required Service Provider. Zip code may be either 5 or 9 digits. |
_ReferenceIdentifier | The unique identifier used to reference the Required Provider of Service. |
_State | The state in which the Required Service Provider is located. |
_StreetAddress | The street address of the Required Service Provider |
_StreetAddress2 | The second line of the street address of the Required Provider of Service (if needed). |
_TelephoneNumber | The telephone number of the Required Service Provider |