_ConsolidatedClosingConditionsDescription | Consolidated description of all closing instructions. Use this field when the individual closing conditions are not represented in separate entries. |
_ID | |
_PropertyTaxMessageDescription | The text message to the closing agent regarding the status of tax payments for the subject property. |
_TermiteReportRequiredIndicator | When true, indicates that a Termite Report is a requirement of closing. |
FundingCutoffTime | The time of day by which the executed loan documents must be received for funding to occur. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
HoursDocumentsNeededPriorToDisbursementCount | The number of hours by which the executed loan documents must be received prior to funds disbursement. This field is used on the Closing Instructions to identify funding lenders requirements in terms of when funds disbursement will occur in relation to the lenders receipt of the fully executed loan documents. FORM SPECIFIC FIELDUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
LeadBasedPaintCertificationRequiredIndicator | Indicates that a Lead Base Certification is a requirement of closing. |
PreliminaryTitleReportDate | The date of the Preliminary Title Report for the subject property.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
SpecialFloodHazardAreaIndicator | Deprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element |
SpecialFloodHazardAreaIndictor | Flag that indicates if flood insurance is required. Indicating if any portion of the building/mobile home is in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). |
TitleReportItemsDescription | A free form text field used to communicate remarks pertaining to items contained within the Title Report. |
TitleReportRequiredEndorsementsDescription | A free form text field used to describe any required endorsements noted in the Title Report. |