_ID | |
_NotificationCity | The city in which the address of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_NotificationCountry | The country in which the address of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_NotificationPostalCode | The Zip Code or Postal Code of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_NotificationState | The state in which the address of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_NotificationStreetAddress | The street address of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_NotificationStreetAddress2 | The second line of the street address of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_NotificationUnparsedName | The unparsed name of the party to which notification of the request to rescind should be given, as indicated on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELD |
_TransactionDate | The date specified as the transaction date on the Right To Cancel. FORM SPECIFIC FIELDUsed on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |