
_CityThe city in which the address of the Assignee is located, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_CountryThe country in which the address of the Assignee is located, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_CountyThe county in which the address of the Assignee is located, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_CountyFIPSCodeThe FIPS Code of the county in which the address of the Assignee is located, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_PostalCodePostal Code of the Assignee, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_StateThe state in which the address of the Assignee is located, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_StreetAddressThe street address of the Assignee, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_StreetAddress2The second line of the street address of the Assignee, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
_UnparsedNameThe name of the Assignee, to whom ownership, rights or interest in property is transferred.
NonPersonEntityIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the party is a non person entity.
