_City | The city in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_Country | The country in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_CountryCode | The country code in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_County | The county in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_CountyFIPSCode | The FIPS Code for the county in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_ElectronicRoutingAddress | The Electronic Address of the preparer of the recordable document. |
_ElectronicRoutingMethodType | The Electronic Routing Method used by the preparer of the recordable document. |
_ID | |
_PostalCode | The postal code (zip code in US) of the address of the preparer of the recorded document. Zip code may be either 5 or 9 digits. |
_State | The state in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_StateFIPSCode | The FIPS Code for the state in which the address of the preparer of the recordable document is located. |
_StreetAddress | The street address of the preparer of the recordable document. |
_StreetAddress2 | The second line of the street address of the preparer of the recordable document (if needed). |
_TelephoneNumber | The telephone number of the preparer of the recordable document. |
_TitleDescription | The title of the party designated as the preparer of the recordable document. |
_UnparsedName | The unparsed name of the individual who is the preparer of the recordable document. |
NonPersonEntityIndicator | When true, indicates that the party is a non person entity. |