AdjustableRateRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references an ARM Rider.
BalloonRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Balloon Rider.
BiweeklyPaymentRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Biweekly Rider.
CondominiumRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Condominium Rider.
GraduatedPaymentRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Graduated Payment Rider.
GrowingEquityRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Growing Equity Rider.
NonOwnerOccupancyRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Non Owner Occupancy Rider.
OneToFourFamilyRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a One to Four Family Rider.
OtherRiderDescriptionThe Description of Rider when the Recordable Document Other Rider Indicator is flagged .
OtherRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references Other Rider.
PlannedUnitDevelopmentRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Planned Unit Development Rider.
RateImprovementRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Rate Improvement Rider.
RehabilitationLoanRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Rehabilitation Loan Rider.
SecondHomeRiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a Second Home Rider.
VARiderIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Recordable Document references a VA Rider.
