_AreAbleToServiceIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender is able to service the mortgage loan. |
_AssignSellOrTransferSomeServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender does assign, sell or transfer some of the mortgage servicing for the loan program for which the borrower has applied while the loan is outstanding. |
_DoNotServiceIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender does not service mortgage loans. |
_ExpectToAssignSellOrTransferPercent | The percentage of mortgage servicing, as reflected on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document, that the originating lender expects to assign sell or transfer for the loan program for which the borrower has applied.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
_ExpectToAssignSellOrTransferPercentOfServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender expects to assign, sell or transfer a percentage of the mortgage servicing for the loan program for which the borrower has applied. |
_ExpectToRetainAllServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender expects to retain all of the mortgage servicing for the loan program for which the borrower has applied. |
_ExpectToSellAllServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender expects to sell all of the mortgage servicing for the loan program for which the borrower has applied. |
_FirstTransferYear | The earliest year for which the percentage of loans transferred is provided on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document by the originating lender.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
_FirstTransferYearValue | The percentage of loans transferred by the originating lender during the earliest year indicated on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document. These percentages should be rounded to the nearest quartile. Nominal is a value that also must be accommodated. |
_HaveNotDecidedToServiceIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender has not decided whether to service the mortgage loan. |
_HaveNotServicedInPastThreeYearsIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender has not serviced mortgage loans in the past three years. |
_HavePreviouslyAssignedServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender has previously assigned, sold or transferred the servicing of mortgage loans. |
_ID | |
_MayAssignServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender may assign, sell or transfer the servicing of the loan while the loan is outstanding. |
_PresentlyIntendToAssignSellOrTransferServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender presently intends to assign sell or transfer the servicing of the mortgage loan. |
_SecondTransferYear | The second year for which the percentage of loans transferred is provided on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document by the originating lender.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
_SecondTransferYearValue | The percentage of loans transferred by the originating lender during the second year indicated on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document. These percentages should be rounded to the nearest quartile. Nominal is a value that also must be accommodated. |
_ThirdTransferYear | The latest year for which the percentage of loans transferred is provided on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document by the originating lender.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
_ThirdTransferYearValue | The percentage of loans transferred by the originating lender during the latest year indicated on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure. These percentages should be rounded to the nearest quartile. Nominal is a value that also must be accommodated. |
_ThisEstimateIncludesAssignmentsSalesOrTransfersIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the estimate provided by the originating lender does include assignments, sales or transfers to affiliates or subsidiaries. |
_ThisInformationDoesIncludeAssignmentsSalesOrTransfersIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the data provided by the originating lender does include assignments, sales or transfers to affiliates or subsidiaries. |
_ThisIsOurRecordOfTransferringServicingIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender is providing their record of transferring the servicing of mortgage loans made in the past years. |
_TwelveMonthPeriodTransferPercent | The originating lenders estimated percentage of mortgage loans for which the lender will transfer servicing within the 12 month period after the mortgage loan is funded, as reflected on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
_WillNotServiceIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender will not service the mortgage loan. |
_WillServiceIndicator | Indicates on the RESPA Servicing Disclosure document that the originating lender will service the mortgage loan. |