CashOutDebtConsolidation | |
CashOutHomeImprovement | |
CashOutLimited | |
CashOutOther | |
ChangeInRateTerm | |
NoCashOutFHAStreamlinedRefinance | A refinance mortgage where the subject FHA loan will pay off an outstanding FHA loan under the streamlined refinance guidelines as provided to the lender by FHA. |
NoCashOutFREOwnedRefinance | A no cash-out refinance mortgage in which the outstanding loan is currently owned by Freddie Mac in whole or in part, or securitized by Freddie Mac. Requires limited underwriting analysis and reduced documentation (verification of income and employment is |
NoCashOutOther | |
NoCashOutStreamlinedRefinance | A no cash-out refinance mortgage requiring limited underwriting analysis and reduced documentation. |
Other | |