Type : CLOSING_HousingExpenseTypeEnumerated
Value Description
FirstMortgagePITIAmount of periodic principal and interest payment on a first mortgage on real estate plus annual pro-rata share of property taxes and hazard insurance on the property. Principal refers to the monthly payment that reduces the remaining balance of the mortg
FirstMortgagePrincipalAndInterestAmount of periodic principal and interest payment on a first mortgage on real estate. Could be present or proposed housing expense. Principal refers to the monthly payment that reduces the remaining balance of the mortgage. Interest is the fee charged for
HazardInsuranceInsurance coverage that provides compensation to insured in case of property damage or loss. (e.g., renters, homeowners, fire, earthquake, flood, etc.) Collected on URLA in Section V (Present / Proposed Housing Expense) and/or Section VI (Schedule of Real
HomeownersAssociationDuesAndCondominiumFeesAssociation to pay the cost of maintaining areas owned in common by all homeowners within a planned unit development. Collected on URLA in Section V (Present / Proposed Housing Expense) and/or Section VI (Schedule of Real Estate).
LeaseholdPaymentsWhen land under improvements is leased rather than owned, this is the periodic rent. A form of other housing expense.
MaintenanceAndMiscellaneousOngoing expenses incurred by borrower to maintain real estate owned. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Schedule of Real Estate).
MIInsurance which protects mortgage lenders against loss in the event of default by the borrower. Collected on URLA in Section V (Present / Proposed Housing Expense) and/or Section VI (Schedule of Real Estate).
OtherHousingExpenseOther expenses related to housing which are not included in the listed values. Typically linked to FREE TEXT description. Collected on URLA in Section V (Present / Proposed Housing Expense).
OtherMortgageLoanPrincipalAndInterestAmount of periodic principal and interest payment on a subordinate mortgage on real estate. Could be present or proposed housing expense. Principal refers to the monthly payment that reduces the remaining balance of the mortgage. Interest is the fee charg
OtherMortgageLoanPrincipalInterestTaxesAndInsuranceAmount of periodic principal and interest payment on a subordinate mortgage on real estate plus annual pro-rata share of property taxes and hazard insurance on the property. Principal refers to the monthly payment that reduces the remaining balance of the
RealEstateTaxLocal government taxes levied on the ownership of real property. Also know as Real Estate Property Tax. Collected on URLA in Section V (Present / Proposed Housing Expense) and/or Section VI (Schedule of Real Estate).
RentPeriodic amount a tenant pays to a landlord for occupancy of a property. Expense if borrower pays. Collected on URLA in Section V (Present Expense - Rent).
UtilitiesBasic services associated with developed areas that include provisions for electricity, telephone, gas, water, and garbage collection. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Schedule of Real Estate).

#DOCUMENTATION:05H-040 Enumerated Added enumerations in AUS 2.4.
