203KArchitecturalAndEngineeringFee | |
203KConsultantFee | |
203KDiscountOnRepairs | |
203KInspectionFee | |
203KPermits | |
203KSupplementalOriginationFee | |
203KTitleUpdate | |
AbstractOrTitleSearchFee | |
AmortizationFee | |
ApplicationFee | |
AppraisalDeskReviewFee | Fee charged for reviewing an appraisal report and performing some basic research on value without going out to the field to view the property or the comparable properties included in the appraisal report. |
AppraisalFee | |
AppraisalFieldReviewFee | Fee charged for performing an appraisal review in the field actually inspecting the property and comparable properties. |
AssignmentFee | |
AssignmentRecordingFee | |
AssumptionFee | |
AttorneyFee | |
BankruptcyMonitoringFee | Monitoring or Proof of Claim Fee charged as a result of a bankruptcy filing by the Borrower. |
BondFee | Fee paid to a state or local housing agency to participate in a special lending program. |
BondReviewFee | |
CertificationFee | Fee charged to prepare and submit to the Home Owner's, Condominium, or Co-Op Association Certification for the property securing the loan. |
CityCountyDeedTaxStampFee | |
CityCountyMortgageTaxStampFee | |
CLOAccessFee | |
ClosingProtectionLetterFee | Fee charged for a statement or document issued by title insurance underwriters that sets forth an underwriter's responsibility for negligence, fraud and errors in closings performed by the underwriter's agents and approved attorneys. |
CommitmentFee | |
CopyFaxFee | |
CopyOrFaxFee | |
CourierFee | |
CreditReportFee | |
DeedRecordingFee | |
DocumentaryStampFee | |
DocumentPreparationFee | |
ElectronicDocumentDeliveryFee | Fee for transmitting or receiving the loan documents through email or by some other electronic means. |
EscrowServiceFee | Fee to set up and service the escrow account for the loan. |
EscrowWaiverFee | |
FloodCertification | |
GeneralCounselFee | |
InspectionFee | |
LoanDiscountPoints | |
LoanOriginationFee | |
MERSRegistrationFee | Fee charged for registering/transferring the loan onto the Mortgage Electronic Registration System. |
ModificationFee | |
MortgageBrokerFee | |
MortgageRecordingFee | |
MunicipalLienCertificateFee | |
MunicipalLienCertificateRecordingFee | |
NewLoanAdministrationFee | |
NotaryFee | |
Other | |
PayoffRequestFee | In refinances, fee paid to prior lender to prepare and provide a bookkeeping statement of how much is owed on the loan being refinanced. |
PestInspectionFee | |
ProcessingFee | |
RealEstateCommission | |
RedrawFee | |
ReinspectionFee | |
ReleaseRecordingFee | |
RuralHousingFee | |
SettlementOrClosingFee | |
SigningAgentFee | Fee charged for the services of a signing agent who, as an accommodation of the borrower, closes the loan at a specific time or at a location requested by the borrower. |
StateDeedTaxStampFee | |
StateMortgageTaxStampFee | |
SubordinationFee | Fee paid to a lien holder with an existing lien on the property to subordinate its lien position to the Lender in the current loan. |
SurveyFee | |
TaxRelatedServiceFee | |
TitleEndorsementFee | Fee charged for obtaining a title endorsement (for which the original lender and/or borrower are the beneficiaries) that relates to the closing of the mortgage loan. |
TitleExaminationFee | |
TitleInsuranceBinderFee | |
TitleInsuranceFee | |
UnderwritingFee | |
WireTransferFee | Fee for wiring funds in connection with the loan. |