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Value Description
184Indian Loan Guarantee
201SReferred to as 201(s) -- Secured Title I - Direct Loan
201SDReferred to as 201(s)(d) -- Secured Title II - Dealer Loan
201UReferred to as 201(u) -- Unsecured Title I - Direct Loan
201UDReferred to as 201(u)(d) -- Unsecured Title II - Dealer Loan
203BReferred to as 203(b). Standard Mortgage Insurance for 1 to 4 Family Properties
203B2Referred to as 203(b)2. Purchase, Refinances - Veteran Status
203B241Referred to as 203(b)/241. Purchase, Refinances - Native American
203B251Referred to as 203(b)/251. Condominium/ARM
203HReferred to as 203(h). Mortgage Insurance for Disaster Victims
203IReferred to as 203(I). Mortgage Insurance for Outlying Areas
203KReferred to as 203(k). Rehabilitation First Mortgages
203K241Referred to as 203(k)/241. A first mortgage that covers the costs of rehabilitation and purchase or refinance of an eligible property -Native American
203K251Referred to as 203(k)/251. Purchase, Rehab/ARM
213Cooperative Mortgages (individual share loans only)
220Mortgages in Urban Renewal Areas (individual share loans only)
221Referred to as 221 -- Low Cost and Moderate Income Mortgages
221D2Referred to as 221(d)(2). Low and Moderate Income/ARM
221D2251Referred to as 221(d)(2)/251. Low and Moderate Income/ARM
222Defense Service Members Mortgage
223EReferred to as 223(e) -- Home Mortgages in Older, Declining Areas Specified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (individual mortgages only)
233Experimental Housing Units (individual mortgages only)
234CReferred to as 234(c). Mortgage Insurance for Condominium Units.
234C251Referred to as 234(c)/251. Condominium/ARM
235Homeownership Assistance for Lower Income Families
237Special Credit Risks
240Fee Simple Title from Lessors
245Graduated Payment Mortgages (GPM) and Growing Equity Mortgages (GEM)
247Mortgages on Hawaiian Home Lands
248Mortgage insurance programs on Indian Reservations or other restricted lands.
251Government Adjustable Rate Mortgages
255Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
26101Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan I, Section of the Act 203(b)
26102Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan II, Section of the Act 203(b)
26201Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan I, Section of the Act 234(c)
26202Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan II, Section of the Act 234(c)
27001Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan I, Section of the Act 203(b)
27002Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan II, Section of the Act 203(b)
27003Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan III, Section of the Act 203(b)
27004Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan IV, Section of the Act 203(b)
27005Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan V, Section of the Act 203(b)
27101Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan I, Section of the Act 234(c)
27102Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan II, Section of the Act 234(c)
27103Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan III, Section of the Act 234(c)
27104Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan IV, Section of the Act 234(c)
27105Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) Plan V, Section of the Act 234(c)
3703Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) (Formerly 1803)
3703DReferred to as 3703(d). Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) (Formerly 1803(d))
3703D2Referred to as 3703(d)(2). Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) (formerly 1803(d)(2))
3710Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Fixed Rate Mortgages (Formerly 1810)
3711Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Direct (Formerly 1811)
502Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Certificate of Reasonable Value Appraisal Type, for Rehabilitation First Mortgages on Indian Home Lands, Section of the Act 248/203(k)
729Government Adjustable Rate Mortgages From Lenders With Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Direct Endorsement Authority, Section of the Act 203(b)/251