Welcome to Discworld MUD!
Welcome to Discworld MUD, the home of all things Discworld, created by Kawakisan (Balzaar).
This site is your all-in-one resource for comparing your skills, working out bonuses, checking spell requirements and much more!
22nd Oct 2013 - Hide Your Skills! |
I have added the ability to choose which skills you wish to be hidden/shown when viewing pages such as 'best in skill'
etc. These pages will be added in the next few days, so get hiding if you wish to do so! |
18th Oct 2013 - Redesign/Re-branding |
As you will have noticed, I have changed the design of the site. This is so that I can better separate the different
sections of the site and allow better navigation. |
12th Oct 2013 - Experience Calculator! (Manic Panic Machine) |
I have added a target experience calculator (manic panic machine)! If you are not logged in then it will just
work as it does on bonuses.irreducible.org, however if you are logged in then your settings will be saved so the
next time you go back to the calculator you can carry on from where you were previously. :) |
27th Sep 2013 - Teaching Cost! |
I have added a teaching cost computer! You can enter your starting and target levels to calculate how
much it would cost to teach yourself. You can also enter your stats and either select a teacher or manually
fill in the ETB yourself to calculate the cost of learning from someone else!
In addition, if you wish to appear in the 'Teacher' list, you can now set this option in 'My Account'. Make
sure your imported skills are kept up to date! |
18th Sep 2013 - Primary Learning Costs |
Continuing from my previous post, I have now added a primary learning cost calculator. |
16th Sep 2013 - Bonus Calculator! |
It has always been my intention to make this site include all of the functionality of disc-wizards, bonuses.irreducible.org
and skills.gothmudders.com. To get this process started, I have added a bonus calculator to the 'skills' menu. |
20th Aug 2013 - CIPS Charges! |
Somebody suggested I add a chart showing the number of charges produced by CIPS for given bonuses of skills. I
have added this under 'Utilities'. I have also updated some of the maps with street names etc. |
5th Jul 2013 - Spell Components & More! |
I have been adding some extra functionality to the site. The most useful of these being that I have added
spell components to each spell. I also added a few extra maps, tidied up some pages and started adding guild information.
More to come! |
1st Jul 2013 - New Host. |
I have migrated the site to a new host, AppFog, and have also bought a new URL, www.discwizards.co.uk.
Hopefully everything should be working as before but if you notice anything broken please let me know. |
6th Feb 2013 - Password Changing & Screen Reader Support! |
If you are logged in, you may notice a new "My Account" link in the rop right hand corner. Here you can change
your password and change your account settings. This includes an option for using a screen reader, which simplifies
some of the data tables. |
6th Feb 2013 - Various Improvements. |
I have made various minor tweaks. These include some styling changes and code improvements. I had a
request to make the size column sortable on the spell list, which I have done along with the GP and name columns.
I also added a new column to the primaries table when viewing a spell to tell you which primaries each order has.
I have also re-added the 'diff' column in the spell details table as requested. |
31st Jan 2013 - Improved Bonus Visualisation. |
I managed to figure out a better way to show your current bonus and bonus requirements on the spell page.
This should now be working in a much more familiar way for those who were used to the old site(s). |
31st Jan 2013 - Ephebe!! |
In case anybody missed it, Ephebe is now in-game!!1one |
26th Jan 2013 - EFF Shield Table. |
I have added a copy of the EFF shield table from the Wiki (originally compiled by Sined, I believe) which
gives bonus requirements for floating each type of shield. |
16th Jan 2013 - Maps and More! |
I have added some UU maps to the site, huge thank you to Zari for providing these! I have also pretty much
finished implementing the spellcheck functionality. |
15th Jan 2013 - Spellcheck Submission Working! |
I have implement the submission of spellcheck information. There are 2 options when submitting: either tick
the checkbox and use your imported skills (when logged in) or simply include the relevant skills in the spellcheck. |
14th Jan 2013 - Mindspace Calculator! |
As far as I can tell, the mindspace calculator is now working. |