Base Entity  STOP_CODE 
Attribute Name  SequenceNumber 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  SequenceNumber 
Domain  XSD:Integer 
Definition  An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. 

SequenceNumber Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  SequenceNumber 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  YES 

SequenceNumber Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

SequenceNumber Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

SequenceNumber User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

SequenceNumber Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  STOP_CODE 
Attribute Name  StopCodeActionType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  StopCodeActionType 
Domain  StopCodeActionEnum 
Definition  Indicates special handling action to be taken.  

StopCodeActionType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  StopCodeActionType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

StopCodeActionType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

StopCodeActionType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule459 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
AcceptCertifiedFundsOnly  AcceptCertifiedFundsOnly 
DoNotApplyNormalPayments  DoNotApplyNormalPayments 
DoNotAssessLateCharge  DoNotAssessLateCharge 
DoNotDisburseFromEscrow  DoNotDisburseFromEscrow 
DoNotPerformEscrowAnalysis  DoNotPerformEscrowAnalysis 
DoNotSendDelinquentNotices  DoNotSendDelinquentNotices 
DoNotSolicitForOptionalProducts  DoNotSolicitForOptionalProducts 
Other  Other 
SpecialHandling  SpecialHandling 

StopCodeActionType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

StopCodeActionType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

StopCodeActionType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeActionType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeActionType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeActionType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  STOP_CODE 
Attribute Name  StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  A free-form text field used to capture the stop code action type if Other is selected, this may be a system specific code and or a system specific code and description. 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeActionTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  STOP_CODE 
Attribute Name  StopCodeConditionType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  StopCodeConditionType 
Domain  StopCodeConditionEnum 
Definition  Indicates the loan condition that is related to the stop code action type for the loan.  

StopCodeConditionType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  StopCodeConditionType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

StopCodeConditionType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

StopCodeConditionType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule460 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
BadCheckHoldingNSF  BadCheckHoldingNSF 
LoanInBankruptcy  LoanInBankruptcy 
LoanInForeclosure  LoanInForeclosure 
LoanPaidInFull  LoanPaidInFull 
Other  Other 
PayoffPending  PayoffPending 
ProcessingException  ProcessingException 

StopCodeConditionType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

StopCodeConditionType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

StopCodeConditionType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeConditionType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeConditionType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeConditionType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  STOP_CODE 
Attribute Name  StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  A free-form text field used to capture the stop code condition type if Other is selected, this may be a system specific code and or a system specific code and description. 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeConditionTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  STOP_CODE 
Attribute Name  StopCodeExpirationDate 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  StopCodeExpirationDate 
Domain  MISMODate 
Definition  Indicates the expiration of any stop 

StopCodeExpirationDate Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  StopCodeExpirationDate 
Datatype  DATE 
Nullable  NO 

StopCodeExpirationDate Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

StopCodeExpirationDate Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

StopCodeExpirationDate User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

StopCodeExpirationDate Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeExpirationDate Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeExpirationDate Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

StopCodeExpirationDate Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description