EntityType  Dependent 
Logical Entity Name  AMENITY 

AMENITY Attributes 
Attribute/Logical Rolename  Domain  Datatype  NULL  Definition 
AmenityCount  MISMOCount  INTEGER  NO  The number of the amenities specified by Amenity Type that are present in the property. For example two fireplaces. 
SequenceNumber  XSD:Integer  INTEGER  YES  An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. 
AmenityDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field used to describe, in detail, the amenity specified by Amenity Type. 
AmenityType  AmenityEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies a particular amenity found in the structure or in the subject property which is further described by Amenity Description.
AmenityTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field used to describe the amenity if Other is selected as the Amenity Type. 
ComponentAdjustmentAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar amount (either positive or negative) adjustment being made for a specific component of the property. 
ComponentClassificationType  ComponentClassificationEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies whether the component is considered real or personal property.
ConditionRatingDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free form text field used to describe in detail the condition rating of the identified component. 
ConditionRatingType  ConditionRatingEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  A rating of the quality of the identified component.
MaterialDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free form text field used to describe in detail the material used in the identified component. 
QualityRatingDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free form text field used to describe in detail the quality rating of the identified component. 
QualityRatingType  QualityRatingEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  A rating of the quality of the identified component type.
SquareFeetNumber  MISMONumeric  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  Identifies the total area measured in square feet. 

Key Name  Key Type  Keys 

AMENITY Relationships 
Parent Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Supertype 
AMENITIES  Identifying  One To Zero or More          NO 
Child Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Subtype 

AMENITY Check Constraints 
Check Constraint Name  CheckConstraint 

AMENITY Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

AMENITY User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  Description 

AMENITY Data Movement Rules 
Name  Type  Rule Text/Value