Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmployedAbroadIndicator 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmployedAbroadIndicator 
Domain  MISMOIndicator 
Definition  Indicates if the physical place of employment of the borrower is located outside of the United States. If the employer of the borrower is a foreign entity and the place of employment of the borrower is located inside the United States this value would b 

EmployedAbroadIndicator Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmployedAbroadIndicator 
Datatype  BIT 
Nullable  NO 

EmployedAbroadIndicator Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmployedAbroadIndicator Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmployedAbroadIndicator User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmployedAbroadIndicator Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmployedAbroadIndicator Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmployedAbroadIndicator Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmployedAbroadIndicator Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator 
Domain  MISMOIndicator 
Definition  Indicates that in the referenced employment, the office of the borrower is within the primary residence. 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator 
Datatype  BIT 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentBorrowerHomeOfficeIndicator Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator 
Domain  MISMOIndicator 
Definition  Indicates that in the referenced employment the borrower is self-employed. 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator 
Datatype  BIT 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentClassificationType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentClassificationType 
Domain  EmploymentClassificationEnum 
Definition  Indicates whether the employment for the borrower is primary or secondary.  

EmploymentClassificationType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentClassificationType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

EmploymentClassificationType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentClassificationType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule40 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
Primary  Primary 
Secondary  Also know as co-borrower 

EmploymentClassificationType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentClassificationType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentClassificationType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentClassificationType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentClassificationType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentClassificationType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentEndDate 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentEndDate 
Domain  MISMODate 
Definition  The date that the borrower ended the employment position with the employer. Current employment would have no end data. One source of this data is the URLA in Section IV (Dated To). 

EmploymentEndDate Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentEndDate 
Datatype  DATE 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentEndDate Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentEndDate Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentEndDate User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentEndDate Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentEndDate Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentEndDate Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentEndDate Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount 
Domain  MISMOAmount 
Definition  The dollar amount per month of Income associated with the borrowers employment. Note: For current secondary or previous primary or previous secondary income. 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount 
Datatype  DECIMAL(0, 2) 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentMonthlyIncomeAmount Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount 
Domain  MISMOCount 
Definition  The number of complete months of service to an employer from the start of employment until the date on which the employment is reported. 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentMonthsOnJobCount Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentPositionDescription 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentPositionDescription 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  An expanded description of the borrowers employment position. Collected on the URLA in Section IV. 

EmploymentPositionDescription Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentPositionDescription 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentPositionDescription Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentPositionDescription Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentPositionDescription User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentPositionDescription Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentPositionDescription Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentPositionDescription Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentPositionDescription Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentReportedDate 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentReportedDate 
Domain  MISMODate 
Definition  Indicates the date when the employment information was reported to the repository bureau. 

EmploymentReportedDate Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentReportedDate 
Datatype  DATE 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentReportedDate Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentReportedDate Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentReportedDate User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentReportedDate Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentReportedDate Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentReportedDate Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentReportedDate Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentStartDate 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentStartDate 
Domain  MISMODate 
Definition  The date that the borrower started the employment position with the employer. 

EmploymentStartDate Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentStartDate 
Datatype  DATE 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentStartDate Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentStartDate Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentStartDate User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentStartDate Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentStartDate Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentStartDate Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentStartDate Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentStatusType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentStatusType 
Domain  EmploymentStatusEnum 
Definition  Indicates whether the employment for the borrower is current or previous.  

EmploymentStatusType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentStatusType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

EmploymentStatusType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentStatusType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule142 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
Current  Current 
Previous  Previous 

EmploymentStatusType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentStatusType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentStatusType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentStatusType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentStatusType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentStatusType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount 
Domain  MISMOCount 
Definition  The number of complete months the borrower has been employed in the reported occupation. 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkMonthsCount Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount 
Domain  MISMOCount 
Definition  The total number of years the borrower has been employed in thet reported occupation. One source of this data is the URLA Section IV (Years Employed In This Line Of Work.) 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentTimeInLineOfWorkYearsCount Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  EmploymentYearsOnJobCount 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  EmploymentYearsOnJobCount 
Domain  MISMOCount 
Definition  The number of complete years of service to an employer from the start of employment until the date on which the employment is reported. 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  EmploymentYearsOnJobCount 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  NO 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

EmploymentYearsOnJobCount Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType 
Domain  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipEnum 
Definition  Specifies a unique category of employer which is the source of income for the borrower.  

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule458 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
EmployedByRelative  EmployedByRelative 
Other  Other 
PropertySeller  PropertySeller 
RealEstateBroker  RealEstateBroker 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Base Entity  EMPLOYMENT 
Attribute Name  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Borrower Employer Relationship Type. 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SpecialBorrowerEmployerRelationshipTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description