Attribute Name  MutuallyExclusiveGroupName 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  MutuallyExclusiveGroupName 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  Specifies the name of the mutually exclusive group this interactive field belongs to. A mutually exclusive field group is the set of fields that share the same value for this element. At any given time, only one of the fields in the group can be checked. 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  MutuallyExclusiveGroupName 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

MutuallyExclusiveGroupName Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description