NewImprovementCostAmount |
Attribute Name | NewImprovementCostAmount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | NewImprovementCostAmount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOAmount |
Definition | The dollar value of total estimated costs to reproduce new the property improvement. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) |
Note |
NewImprovementCostAmount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | NewImprovementCostAmount |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
NewImprovementCostAmount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
NewImprovementCostAmount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
NewImprovementCostAmount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
NewImprovementCostAmount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostAmount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostAmount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostAmount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber |
Attribute Name | SequenceNumber |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | SequenceNumber |
RoleName | |
Domain | XSD:Integer |
Definition | An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. |
Note |
SequenceNumber Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | SequenceNumber |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | YES |
SequenceNumber Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
SequenceNumber Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
SequenceNumber User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
SequenceNumber Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostDescription |
Attribute Name | NewImprovementCostDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | NewImprovementCostDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free form text field used to capture additional information about new property improvement reproduction costs. |
Note |
NewImprovementCostDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | NewImprovementCostDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
NewImprovementCostDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
NewImprovementCostDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
NewImprovementCostDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
NewImprovementCostDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementCostDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementType |
Attribute Name | NewImprovementType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | NewImprovementType |
RoleName | |
Domain | NewImprovementEnum |
Definition | Specifies the type of property improvement whose costs to reproduce are being estimated. |
Note |
NewImprovementType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | NewImprovementType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
NewImprovementType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
NewImprovementType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule334 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Additional | Additional |
Dwelling | Dwelling |
EnergyEfficientItems | EnergyEfficientItems |
Garage | Garage |
LevelFive | LevelFive |
LevelFour | LevelFour |
LevelOne | LevelOne |
LevelThree | LevelThree |
LevelTwo | LevelTwo |
Other | Other |
PorchesPatios | PorchesPatios |
SectionFour | SectionFour |
SectionOne | SectionOne |
SectionThree | SectionThree |
SectionTwo | SectionTwo |
NewImprovementType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
NewImprovementType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
NewImprovementType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription |
Attribute Name | NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free form text field used to capture additional information when Other is selected for New Improvement Type. |
Note |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
NewImprovementTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
PricePerSquareFootAmount |
Attribute Name | PricePerSquareFootAmount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | PricePerSquareFootAmount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOAmount |
Definition | The price in terms of dollars per square foot. This is a ratio between a price and an area, but it is a monetary value rather than a factor or rate. (i.e. sales price per gross living area of a property) |
Note |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | PricePerSquareFootAmount |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
PricePerSquareFootAmount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
PricePerSquareFootAmount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SquareFeetNumber |
Attribute Name | SquareFeetNumber |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | SquareFeetNumber |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMONumeric |
Definition | Identifies the total area measured in square feet. |
Note |
SquareFeetNumber Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | SquareFeetNumber |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
SquareFeetNumber Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
SquareFeetNumber Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
SquareFeetNumber User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
SquareFeetNumber Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SquareFeetNumber Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SquareFeetNumber Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SquareFeetNumber Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |