Attribute Name  SequenceNumber 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  SequenceNumber 
Domain  XSD:Integer 
Definition  An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. 

SequenceNumber Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  SequenceNumber 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  YES 

SequenceNumber Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

SequenceNumber Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

SequenceNumber User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

SequenceNumber Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  DocumentSubtypeType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  DocumentSubtypeType 
Domain  DocumentSubtypeEnum 
Definition  The SubtypeDescription should be one of the applicable values for Document Information Subtype Description defined in the Document Data Dictionary as associated with the Document Information Type of the document. New descriptions should conform to the guidelines for creating the Subtype names.  

DocumentSubtypeType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  DocumentSubtypeType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

DocumentSubtypeType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

DocumentSubtypeType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule136 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
1To4Family  1To4Family 
401K  401K 
AddSecurityInterest  AddSecurityInterest 
AlternativeContact  Identifies whom to contact, including contact point values, when the borrower(s) are unavailable. Signed by the borrower(s). Valid DocumentType: NearestLivingRelativeInformation. 
Annuity  Annuity 
AssignmentOfDeedOfTrust  AssignmentOfDeedOfTrust 
AssignmentOfMortgage  AssignmentOfMortgage 
AssignmentOfRents  AssignmentOfRents 
AssignmentOfTrade  AssignmentOfTrade 
BalanceSheet  BalanceSheet 
Balloon  Balloon 
BargainAndSaleDeed  BargainAndSaleDeed 
BiWeekly  BiWeekly 
BlanketAssignment  BlanketAssignment 
BuilderCertificationOfPlansAndSpecifications  BuilderCertificationOfPlansAndSpecifications 
BuildersCertificate  BuildersCertificate 
Carpet  Carpet 
CashFlow  CashFlow 
CheckingAccount  CheckingAccount 
Condominium  Condominium 
Consolidated  Consolidated 
ConsolidationAgreement  ConsolidationAgreement 
Construction  Construction 
CooperativeAssignmentOfProprietaryLease  CooperativeAssignmentOfProprietaryLease 
CreditIncrease  CreditIncrease 
DeedOfTrust  DeedOfTrust 
DriversLicense  DriversLicense 
Durable  Durable 
Earthquake  Earthquake 
Environmental  Environmental 
Federal  Federal 
FinancialPosition  FinancialPosition 
FireAndExtendedCoverage  FireAndExtendedCoverage 
Flood  Flood 
FNM1009  Residential Loan Application for Reverse Mortgages. Valid DocumentType: LoanApplication. 
Footings  Footings 
Framing  Framing 
GapInEmployment  GapInEmployment 
GEM  Growing Equity Rider. Valid DocumentType: SecurityInstrumentRider. 
GPM  Graduated Payment Rider. Valid DocumentType: SecurityInstrumentRider. 
Hazard  Hazard 
Heating  Heating 
HECMLoanAgreement  HECMLoanAgreement 
Homeowners  Homeowners 
HUD1  Settlement Statement (HUD-1). Valid DocumentType: SettlementStatement. 
Hurricane  Hurricane 
IdentityTheft  IdentityTheft 
Income  Income 
IncreaseSecurity  IncreaseSecurity 
InsectInfestation  InsectInfestation 
Insulation  Insulation 
InterVivosRevocableTrust  InterVivosRevocableTrust 
IRS1040  U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Valid DocumentType: TaxReturn. 
IRS1041  U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts. (DocumentType=TaxReturn) 
IRS1065  U.S. Return of Partnership Income. (DocumentType=TaxReturn) 
IRS1099A  Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099B  Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099C  Cancellation of Debt. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099CAP  Changes in Corporate Control and Capital Structure. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099DIV  Dividends and Distributions. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099G  Certain Government Payments. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099H  Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Advance Payments. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099INT  Interest Income. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099LTC  Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099MISC  Miscellaneous Income. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099OID  Original Issue Discount. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099PATR  Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099Q  Payments From Qualified Education Programs (Under Sections 529 and 530). (DocumentType=1099) 
IRS1099R  Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099S  Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1099SA  Distributions From an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA. (DocumentType=IRS1099) 
IRS1120  U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return. (DocumentType=TaxReturn) 
IRS1120S  U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation. (DocumentType=TaxReturn) 
IRS4506  IRS4506 
IRS4506T  IRS4506T 
Leasehold  Leasehold 
LetterOfExplanation  LetterOfExplanation 
LetterOfIntent  LetterOfIntent 
LienRelease  LienRelease 
Limited  Limited 
Local  Local 
Manufactured  Manufactured 
ManufacturedHousing  ManufacturedHousing 
Military  Military 
MineSubsidence  MineSubsidence 
ModificationAgreement  ModificationAgreement 
Mortgage  Mortgage 
MutualFundAccount  MutualFundAccount 
Name  Name 
NewMoney  NewMoney 
NonOwner  NonOwner 
OpenAccount  OpenAccount 
Other  Other 
Passport  Passport 
Pension  Pension 
PersonalProperty  PersonalProperty 
Pest  Pest 
Plumbing  Plumbing 
Prepayment  Prepayment 
PropertyInspection  PropertyInspection 
QuitClaimDeed  QuitClaimDeed 
RateImprovement  RateImprovement 
Rehabilitation  Rehabilitation Loan Rider. Valid DocumentType: SecurityInstrumentRider. 
Roof  Roof 
SatisfactionOfDeedOfTrust  SatisfactionOfDeedOfTrust 
SatisfactionOfMortgage  SatisfactionOfMortgage 
SavingAccount  SavingAccount 
SecondHome  SecondHome 
Septic  Septic 
Signature  Signature 
Soil  Soil 
SoilTreatment  SoilTreatment 
State  State 
StockAccount  StockAccount 
Storm  Storm 
StructuralEngineering  StructuralEngineering 
SubterraneanTermite  SubterraneanTermite 
Termite  Termite 
TermiteTreatment  TermiteTreatment 
Tornado  Tornado 
TrailingSpouse  TrailingSpouse 
Trust  Trust 
URLA  Uniform Residential Loan Application. Valid DocumentType: LoanApplication. 
UtilityBill  UtilityBill 
VAQuestionnaire  VAQuestionnaire 
Visa  Visa 
Volcano  Volcano 
WarrantyDeed  WarrantyDeed 
WaterHealth  WaterHealth 
Well  Well 
Wind  Wind 

DocumentSubtypeType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

DocumentSubtypeType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

DocumentSubtypeType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSubtypeType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSubtypeType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSubtypeType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Document Subtype. 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSubtypeTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  DocumentSupertypeType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  DocumentSupertypeType 
Domain  DocumentSupertypeEnum 
Definition  Allows trading partners to classify documents at a broader level than required by the more granular Types and Subtypes, as appropriate for the business purpose. There is only one SuperType assigned to each type. This can be sent as an alternate to sending Type.  

DocumentSupertypeType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  DocumentSupertypeType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

DocumentSupertypeType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

DocumentSupertypeType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule137 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
BorrowerApplication  BorrowerApplication 
BorrowerCreditAndLiabilities  BorrowerCreditAndLiabilities 
BorrowerIncomeAndAssets  BorrowerIncomeAndAssets 
Closing  Closing 
Disclosure  Disclosure 
Note  Note 
Property  Property 
SecurityInstrument  SecurityInstrument 
Title  Title 

DocumentSupertypeType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

DocumentSupertypeType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

DocumentSupertypeType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSupertypeType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSupertypeType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

DocumentSupertypeType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  DocumentType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  DocumentType 
Domain  DocumentEnum 
Definition  Identifies a specific document defined at a granular level. May be modified or further constrained by other Document data to make the document instance more specific. Further defined in the MISMO Document Classification I-Guide.  

DocumentType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  DocumentType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

DocumentType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

DocumentType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule132 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
203KConsultantReport  Describes the work that needs to be done to bring the house to FHA standards. 
203KHomeownerAcknowledgment  Confirms the final bid amount for the project and the time frame for completion. A contract between the homeowner and the contractor. 
203KInitialDrawRequest  Provides information required to release funds based on work in place. Must be signed by contractor, borrower and inspector. 
203KMaximumMortgageWorksheet  Determines Maximum amount for 203K Mortgage based on the loan amount; closing costs; sales price (if purchase) and work to be performed. Provided to the Lender. 
203KRehabilitationAgreement  Establishes the terms and conditions of the 203K loan program works and describes the guidelines that will be followed in administering funds. 
AbstractNoticeAgreement  Establishes that the lender will not be responsible for replacing the abstract. 
AbstractOfJudgment  Derived from a Judgment; contains only the details of a court action that relate to fulfilling the court order. 
ACHDebitAuthorization  Establishes a direct debit from a borrowers account for loan or escrow payment. AKA: Automated Clearing House Debit Form. 
AcknowledgmentOfNoticeOfRightToCancel  Confirms that a borrower has received and understands the Notice of Right to Cancel. Sometimes contained with the Notice of Right to Cancel. 
AffidavitOfDeath  Establishes the fact of death but does not contain personally identifiable information. 
AffiliatedBusinessArrangementDisclosure  Informs the borrower of any Lender-related businesses (i.e., subsidiaries or affiliates) and borrower options related to using these providers. This document is a part of HUD Regulation X (RESPA/Reg X). 
AirportNoisePollutionAgreement  Confirms that a borrower is aware of presence of airport and possible noise situations. Provided by Borrower. 
AmendatoryClause  Adds HUD required conditions to the Purchase Agreement. Escape clause allowing a borrower to exit transaction if it does not meet value. These do not have HUD number but are required in Purchase Agreement. 
AmortizationSchedule  Describes interest and principal payments to a borrower from a lender, or lender to borrower, and their effect on the balance of the loan. 
AppraisalRecertification  Confirms that the appraised value of a home has not decreased. 
AppraisalReport  Describes findings of the appraisal process and provides an estimation of the subject property value. Provided by a qualified appraiser. 
AppraisalReview  Documents the results of a independent evaluation of an appraisal 
AppraisalReviewRequest  Requests an internal review and evaluation of an appraisal. 
ApprovalLetter  Describes the loan approval status and any associated conditions to the borrower. 
ArticlesOfIncorporation  Establishes the purpose and structure of a corporatio , also percentages of ownership. 
Assignment  Transfers the beneficial interest in a instrument from one party to another. 
AssumptionAgreement  Establishes that the buyer will assume responsibility for the obligations of a mortgage from the builder or original owner. 
AssuranceOfCompletion  Describes escrowed repairs and certifies that escrowed repairs will be completed. Provided by Lender. 
AttorneyInFactAffidavit  Confirms that a person is under a Power of Attorney and warrants specifics facts about the person such as: POA has not been revoked, principle has not died, no divorce action has been commenced if spouse of the principle, a guardian or conservator has not been appointed for the Principle. 
AttorneysOpinionLetter  Addresses trust or other property matters and confirms the legality of the information that is being provided to the lender. This could consist of beneficiary information, assets used as collateral, trustee and revocable nature of trusts. In Some States, Title insurance 
AutomatedUnderwritingFeedback  Confirms results from Desk Top Underwriter, Loan Prospector or other underwriting system, including the loan decision and conditions or stipulations of the approval. 
AVMFeedback  Confirms results from an automated property valuation system. 
BaileeLetter  Confirms that a company will return to the funding lender the collateral package, the funded value, or mortgage-backed security value of a property. 
BalanceTransferAuthorizationNotice  Informs borrower of what will happen when lender is instructed to pay off debt on behalf of a borrower directly from a Home Equity account 
BalloonRefinanceDisclosure  Informs the borrower that rate and payment amount may change when the refinance option is chosen for balloon loans and describes how the interest rate and payments are determined. 
BankDepositSlip  Provides written evidence of a deposit to a financial institution. 
BankruptcyDischargeNotice  Confirms that a person or company is legally free and clear to repay certain debts. Provided by the court. 
BankStatement  Describes transactions recorded and account balances of the accounts of a customer during a specified period. 
BenefitPlanDistributionStatement  Outlines the details for distribution of funds from a benefit plan. 
Bid  Describes required home repairs or improvements and provides an estimation of cost to complete. 
BirthCertificate  Confirms details about the birth of an individual. An official record provided by a government entity such as a state, county, city or borough. 
BondCertificate  Confirms the ownership of a bond. 
BorrowerAcknowledgmentOfPropertyCondition  Confirms that the borrowers understand the condition of the property. 
BorrowerCorrespondence  Describes items related to the application including borrower credit, income, employment or assets. Typically provided by borrower. Includes items provided by third parties in support of the application of the borrower . Documents provided by the lender to be signed by the borrower are not considered Borrower Correspondence. 
BorrowerLienAffidavit  Verifies that there are no outstanding liens or mortgages that would not allow for the appropriate lien position of a new loan. 
BorrowersCertification  Authorizes lender to request personal information about the borrower. 
BorrowersContractWithRespectToHotelAndTransientUseOfProperty  Certification that the borrower will not use a multiple dwelling property for hotel or transient housing. 
BrokerDisclosureStatement  Describes sources and amounts of compensation a brokered mortgage transaction. Provided by Broker to Borrower. 
BrokerPriceOpinion  Describes findings of the broker review process and provides an estimation of the subject property value. The report typically combines information from a drive-by exterior examination, and various external data sources, but not an interior examination. 
BuildersCertification  Confirms that the property construction is completed to requirements. Provided by builder. 
BuildingPermit  Authorizes the builder to build on the property. Provided by local municipal authority. 
BusinessLicense  Authorizes the legal operation of a business in an area issued by the state or municipality. 
BuydownAgreement  Establishes a rate variant, or temporary adjustment, of interest rate on the loan. Used to reduce, or step down, an interest rate. 
BuyingYourHomeSettlementCostsAndHelpfulInformation  Describes the settlement process, charges, rights and remedies available under RESPA, as well as explanation of settlement services and costs. 
CancellationOfListing  Confirms that a property is no longer listed with a real estate agent. 
CAIVRSAuthorization  Confirms results from the HUD Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System, which indicates whether the individual is in default on direct or guaranteed federal loans or are otherwise ineligible for an FHA loan. Result is transcribed or captured as a screen-print from the HUD website. 
Check  Represents money payable or paid (if cancelled). 
Checklist  Describes the list of action items, steps, or elements required to be consulted or completed to accomplish a task. 
ChildSupportVerification  Describes the legal obligation of a parent to pay money toward the care and maintenance of his/her children. 
CloseLineOfCreditRequest  Requests that a line of credit be closed after receiving a payoff under a separate cover. 
ClosingInstructions  Describes the conditions that must be met in order to complete the closing. Provided by Lender to Closing Agent. 
ComplianceAgreement  Establishes that the borrower will accommodate changes to loan documentation that result from errors and omissions, to ensure that the documents conform to industry standards. 
ComplianceInspectionReport  Confirms that property construction, repairs or improvements related to the loan (but not to the appraisal per se) have been completed acceptably.  Provided by appraiser or inspector. This is not Fannie Mae form 442.  Ref HUD form 92051. 
ConditionalCommitment  Establishes the property value and describes repair conditions. Provided by Underwriter. This is only related to appraisal and property. 
CondominiumOccupancyCertificate  Confirms the percentage of a Condominium (Condo) Association or phase is currently occupied. 
ConservatorAndGuardianshipAgreement  Authorizes a person to sign documents for a borrower. 
ConsolidationExtensionModificationAgreement  Changes one or more of the terms in the security instrument of the loan of a mortgagor . Used for refinance loans in state of NY. 
ConstructionCostBreakdown  Describes in detail the construction costs to build a new structure. 
ConsumerHandbookOnARM  Describes Adjustable Rate Mortgages and reviews their benefits and risks. 
ConveyanceDeed  Transfers title to a property from a seller (grantor) to a recipient (grantee); provides evidence of the legal right of ownership. 
ConveyanceTaxForm  Contains data about the property sale and conveyance tax calculations. Accompanies a Conveyance Deed at the time of recording. 
CooperativeBylaws  Establishes the rules for governing and operating the Cooperative (Coop) Housing Corporation. 
CooperativeOperatingBudget  Describes the planned revenues and expenditures of the Cooperative (Coop) for the current fiscal year. 
CooperativeProprietaryLease  Establishes the rights and duties of the Cooperative (Coop) and member shareholder under which the shareholder is allowed to use a certain unit in the premises. 
CooperativeRecognitionAgreement  Establishes the responsibility of the Cooperative (Coop) to notify the lender in the event of borrower default. 
CooperativeStockCertificate  Confirms the ownership interest in the Cooperative of an individual. 
CooperativeStockPower  Authorizes the lender to assign the borrowers stock certificate in case of default. 
CosignerNotice  Informs a cosigner of a loan that they will be obligated to pay the debt if there is a default by the main borrowers on the loan. 
CouncilOfAmericanBuildingOfficialsCertification  Confirms that the property was constructed to CABO (Council of American Building Officials) standards. Provided by builder. 
CounselingCertification  Confirms that the borrower participated in homeownership counseling. 
CounselingChecklistForMilitaryHomebuyers  Informs the borrower of certain Veteran Affairs items of interest regarding the loan and financing eligibility. 
CreditCardAuthorization  Authorizes a company to use a credit card belonging to a client for mortgage related charges. Generally these charges consist of credit report and appraisal fee. 
CreditInsuranceAgreement  Establishes the rates and charges incurred for credit insurance. 
CreditReport  Describes the borrowers credit history. Provided by a credit reporting bureau, or a service which consolidates reports from multiple sources into a single report (Tri-merge). 
CustomerIdentificationVerification  Verifies the identity of any person seeking to open an account; maintains records of the information used to verify the person’s identity; and determines whether the person appears on any lists of known or suspected terrorists. AKA: U.S. Patriot Act, Important Applicant Information. 
DeathCertificate  Confirms the date, location and cause of the death of a person. Issued by a government official. 
DivorceDecree  Establishes the terms of the divorce. Provided by a court or legal authority. 
ElectronicFundsTransfer  Establishes a repeatable direct deposit of funds into an account of a borrower. Used by servicing. 
EnergyEfficientMortgageWorksheet  Determines loan amount for Energy Efficient Mortgage loan (loan to finance repairs that increase energy efficiency of the home). Required by HUD. Provided by Underwriter. 
EqualCreditOpportunityActDisclosure  Informs the borrower that all consumers are entitled to an equal chance to obtain credit. AKA: Reg B, ECOA. 
EscrowAgreement  Establishes escrow accounts for taxes and insurance. Agreement between borrower and lender. 
EscrowForCompletionAgreement  Establishes work to be completed on a property and the terms under which the funds for the work will be released. 
EscrowForCompletionLetter  Confirms work on the property has been completed and any funds held in escrow can be released. 
EscrowWaiver  Confirms the lender agrees to waive collecting a monthly payment for taxes and insurance (escrow or impound account). Informs the applicant of their responsibilities to pay tax/insurance bills when due, whether an escrow waiver fee will be imposed, and information regarding lender placement of insurance. 
EstimateOfClosingCostsPaidToThirdParty  Informs the borrower of estimated loan closing costs. 
EstoppelAgreement  Establishes that certain statements of fact are correct as of the date of the statement and can be relied upon by a third party (including a prospective lender or purchaser). 
FACTACreditScoreDisclosure  Informs the borrower of their credit score, range of possible scores, key factors affecting score, reporting agencies used, contacts for obtaining a report copy, and includes a statement that terms offered are based on consumer report information. 
FairLendingNotice  Informs the borrower that it is illegal to discriminate in lending practices. This is different that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. 
FederalApplicationInsuranceDisclosure  Informs the borrower that the lender is offering an insurance product or annuity in connection with an extension of credit. 
FederalSaleOfInsuranceDisclosure  Informs the borrower that the lender is selling credit insurance as part of the loan transaction. 
FHA_MIPremiumNettingAuthorization.  Determines the appropriate amount for an FHA streamlined refinance loan. 
FHAFiveDayWaiver  Confirms that the borrower waives the requirement to receive the Notice to Homebuyer five days before closing. 
FHALimitedDenialOfParticipationGeneralServicesAdministrationChecklist  Confirms that a borrower is not recorded on the LDP/GSA (Limited Denial of Participation/General Services Administration) lists, and therefore is eligible for an FHA loan. 
FHAMortgageCreditAnalysisWorksheet  Determines the appropriate amount for an FHA loan. 
FHAReferralChecklist  Confirms that all requirements have been met prior to FHA foreclosure. Provided to FHA. 
FHARefinanceMaximumMortgageWorksheet  Determines loan amount for refinance loan, included with or attached to the MCAW. Required by HUD, provided by Underwriter. 
FinancialStatement  Describes financial performance of a business or individual. 
FloodHazardNotice  Informs the borrower that flood insurance may be required by the lender. 
FloodInsuranceAgreement  Establishes that a borrower will maintain flood insurance in the amount prescribed by the lender for the duration of the loan term. 
ForYourProtectionHomeInspection  Confirms that a borrower has received the information that the borrower should consider a home inspection. 
FREOwnedStreamlineRefinanceChecklist  Confirms that a loan meets Freddie Mac streamlined refinance criteria. Provided to Freddie Mac. 
FundingTransmittal  Confirms final closing information and numbers on a brokered or third party closing. 
GeneralLoanAcknowledgment  Confirms receipt of all the disclosures in the Disclosure Booklet, HUD Guide to Settlement Costs. Also used to document the float/lock rate requests and mortgage insurance requests and provide the Appraisal Notice to the borrower. 
GFE  Describes the approximate costs borrower will pay at or before settlement, based on common practice in the locality. The mortgage banker or mortgage broker, if any, must deliver or mail the GFE (GoodFaithEstimate) to the applicant within three business days after the application is received. This document is a part of HUD Regulation X (RESPA/Reg X). 
GiftLetter  Confirms that the borrower is receiving all or part of the down payment as a gift. Provided by gift donor. 
GroupSavingsAgreement  Establishes participation and terms in a Group Savings Plan. 
HECMAntiChurningDisclosure  Informs the borrower that the costs associated with the new HECM loan will not exceed the loan amount. 
HECMChoiceOfInsuranceOptionsNotice  Confirms that a borrower will choose an FHA Insured HECM loan. Provided by the Lender. 
HECMCounselingWaiverQualification  Informs the borrower of right to waive HECM counseling requirements if the original loan is originated within five years of the preceding loan. 
HECMExtension  Establishes additional time to sell a property associated with a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. 
HECMFaceToFaceCertification  Confirms that a borrower has met with a lending representative, in person, at some point during the HECM loan origination process. 
HECMLoanSubmissionSchedule  Describes final loan information and figures in a HECM transaction. 
HECMNoticeToBorrower  Informs the borrower of the steps to take if payment is not received from the HECM lender. 
HECMPaymentPlan  Describes the charges associated with the HECM loan and the payments made to the borrower. 
HighCostWorksheet  Determines whether the loan is high cost or predatory based on state or national statutes. 
HoldHarmlessAgreement  Agrees to hold harmless and indemnify (assumes the legal liability of) the lender from any future liability on items defined in the notice. 
HomeBuyerEducationCertification  Confirms that the borrower has completed a homebuyer education program. The program are usually in association with first time homebuyer and affordable housing programs. 
HomeEquityLineFreezeLetter  Authorizes lender to freeze a Home Equity Line of Credit in anticipation of a pay off. 
HomeownersAssociationCertification  Confirms the property meets HUD requirements. Provided by the Condominium Association. 
IdentityAffidavit  Confirms the correct borrower name to be used in executing the documents. 
IdentityTheftDisclosure  Informs the borrower about identify theft and how to protect their credit. 
IncompleteApplicationNotice  Informs the borrower that the application as submitted is incomplete and establishes a time period in which information must be received. 
IndividualDevelopmentAccountStatement  Describes the funds available through a program that matches funds of the borrower deposited for the sole purpose of purchasing a residence. 
InitialEscrowAccountDisclosure  Estimates the amount and activity in the escrow account based on anticipated future payments. 
InterestRateAndDiscountDisclosureStatement  Discloses the interest rate and discount points to the borrower and are an agreement between the borrower and the lender. The Veterans Affairs does not govern the rate or points on the loan. 
Invoice  Provides bill which itemizes nature and cost of transactions. 
IRS1098  Confirms the amount of interest a person has paid on a mortgage. 
IRS1099  Confirms a person’s non-salary income. 
IRSW2  Confirms the wage income and taxes withheld for a a person. 
IRSW8  Confirms the individual is a foreign tax resident. 
IRSW9  Provides the borrowers tax identification number and certifies truthfulness of data provided. Provided by borrower via IRS W9 form. 
ItemizationOfAmountFinanced  Describes the finance charges associated with the mortgage loan. May be included in the Truth in Lending disclosure. 
Judgment  Evidences an obligation determined by a decree of a court. 
LandLeaseholdAgreement  Establishes the interest in land of a person who owns the lease granted by the property owner. 
LastWillAndTestament  Establishes the rights of others over the property of an individual (the Testator) after the death of the individual . 
LegalDescription  Describes the physical location of the property as defined in the country records. This is primarily a component of other documents (i.e. security instruments, title policies, commitments), but is received separately on some occasions. 
LenderCorrespondence  Informs the borrower or a third party, information from, or about, the lender. This is other then a federal, state, or local requirements or regulations. 
LifeInsurancePolicy  Specifies agreement between a company and an individual to pay a pre-determined amount of money to a beneficiary if the insured dies during the policy term. 
LineItemBudget  Describes in detail the budget for the construction of a home. 
LoanApplication  Provides information about the employment, income, assets, debts and other financial information of the prospective borrowers . Includes information about the purpose of the home loan and about the property securing the home loan. Provided by Borrower with assistance from the lender. 
LoanClosingNotice  Informs the borrower of total finance charges and interest rates associated with the loan. 
LoanPayoffRequest  Provides Lender with information to determine the amount required to pay off an account and the outstanding principle balance as of a specific date. 
LoanStatement  Describes transactions recorded and account balances of a customers accounts during a specified period. 
LoanSubmissionSummary  Summarizes key loan origination information including; pricing, product, contact and payment information; does not include credit decision. 
ManufacturedHousingCertificateOfTitle  Proves the ownership of the manufactured home and shows any liens on the property. Lists the manufacturer, serial numbers, and date of manufacture. 
MarriageCertificate  Confirms that a marriage has occurred. 
MIConditionalCommitment  Establishes a commitment to issue mortgage insurance pending specified conditions. 
MICertificate  Confirms existence of the insurance policy protecting the lender against loss from the failure to make payments on the mortgage loan. 
MIDisclosure  Explains terms, requirements, or costs of mortgage insurance. 
MilitaryDischargePapers  Confirms that a person served in the military and describes their veterans status. 
MIModification  Changes one or more of the terms of the Mortgage Insurance Certificate after closing. 
NameAffidavit  NameAffidavit 
NearestLivingRelativeInformation  Identifies the nearest living relative of the borrower. 
NonDiplomatVerification  Confirms that a person is not a diplomat, in the case where the person is a non-resident alien. 
NonRefundabilityNotice  Informs the borrower of appraisal and credit report fees. A state disclosure. AKA: Agreement Concerning Non Refundability of Advance Fee, Notice of Nonrefundability of Loan Fees, Estimated Settlement Costs and Refundability Disclosure. 
Note  Establishes a legal obligation of the borrower to repay the debt secured by the mortgage. 
NoteAddendum  Adds the specific terms of the ARM to the promissory note. 
NoteAllonge  Adds additional page(s) to the Note for endorsements. 
NoteAndSecurityInstrumentModification  Changes one or more of the terms of a loan in the note and in the security instrument of the mortgagor. 
NoteModification  Changes one or more of the terms of the loan in the promissory note. 
NoticeOfActionTaken  Informs the borrower of denial or other material change in the loan application. 
NoticeOfCompletion  Changes (updates) a previous appraisal that was prepared subject to completion of repairs or incomplete items. 
NoticeOfRightToCancel  Informs the borrower of their three-day right to cancel the loan application. Required by TILA / Reg Z. 
NoticeOfRightToCopyOfAppraisalReport  Informs the borrower of their right to a copy of their appraisal report. 
NoticeToHomebuyer  Informs the borrower of the repair conditions listed on the Notice to Lender form, outlining any issues or comments on the appraisal. Provided by the lender to the borrower. 
NoticeToLender  Describes repair conditions on the subject property. Provided by Appraiser to the lender. Provided as an addendum to Appraisal. 
OccupancyAgreement  Establishes the borrower intends to occupy the property. 
OccupancyCertification  Confirms that a property is fit for occupancy. Provided by local municipal authority. 
Other  To be used with TypeOtherDescription data point to describe a document not already on this list. 
PartialReleaseOfSecurityInstrument  Releases a specific parcel of real property from an existing security instrument. 
PartnershipAgreement  Establishes the terms of a partnership, including the rights and responsibilities of the partners. 
PaymentHistory  Describes history of payments on a loan. 
PaymentLetter  Describes the terms of a loan and loan payments, often emphasizing timing and amount of the first payment. 
PayoffStatement  Confirms the remaining principle balance of a loan that is being paid off or refinanced, based on a defined close or pay date. 
PayStub  Describes income for a particular pay period. 
PermanentResidentIdentification  Confirms the permanent legal residency of a person. 
PersonalIdentification  Confirms the identity of a person for the purposes of a government-regulated activity (such as driving or international travel). Provided by the controlling governmental authority. 
PersonalPropertyAppraisalReport  Describes personal property and provides and estimation of value. 
PowerOfAttorney  Authorizes one person to act as agent or attorney on behalf of another person. 
PrepaymentChargeOptionNotice  Informs the borrower of premium pricing option (i.e., option of prepayment charge in lieu of higher interest rate). 
PrequalificationLetter  Informs a perspective borrowers that they will qualify for a loan based on the income and credit information the borrower has provided. 
PrivacyDisclosure  Informs the borrower of privacy rights; describes what information will be collected and shared. 
PropertyInspectionReport  Describes the condition of the subject property, or any of a variety of building systems or interior or exterior elements of the structure, or aspects of the surrounding property (such as water or soil). 
PropertyInsuranceBinder  Establishes a commitment to issue property insurance pending payment. 
PropertyInsuranceDeclarations  Describes the information regarding the risk covered by the insurance policy, including the name of the insurance company, its address, name of the policy holder, starting and ending dates of coverage, the actual coverage given in the contract, including locations and amounts. 
PropertyInsurancePolicy  Establishes the terms and conditions of the contract for insurance covering the subject property. 
PropertyInsuranceRequirementDisclosure  Explains lenders right to approve a choice of insurance company made by the borrower and the required specifics of the insurance such as deductible, premium and term. 
PurchaseAgreement  Establishes the terms and conditions for purchase of a property. 
RateLockAgreement  Establishes that the lender and borrower have fixed (locked) specific terms of the loan application (including points, fees, expiration and product type) for a specified period. 
ReaffirmationAgreement  Establishes that the borrower will reinstitute a mortgage debt after bankruptcy proceedings are completed. 
Receipt  Confirms the payment or exchange of a good or service. 
Reconveyance  A document that conveys interest from the a trustee back to the property owner when a deed of trust is paid in full. In some jurisdictions both a Satisfaction of Deed of Trust and a Reconveyance. 
RelocationBenefitsPackage  Describes terms and conditions of the relocation package. 
RelocationBuyoutAgreement  Establishes the terms between a relocation company and an employee to purchase a home based on the appraised value. It describes what happens if a home does not sell within a certain period (usually 60 or 90 days), and the circumstances in which a relocation company will buy a home. 
RentalAgreement  Establishes the rights and duties of the landlord and tenant in a rental transaction. At a minimum identifies the parties, the property, the term of the rental, and the amount of rent for the term. 
RentalIncomeAnalysisStatement  Evaluates the rental potential of a property and establishes its value. 
RequestForCopyOfTaxReturn  Authorizes taxing authority (such as IRS) to provide certified copy of borrowers tax return. 
RequestForNoticeOfDefault  Establishes a requirement for a senior lien holder to inform a junior lien holder in the event of a default on the common property. Required to be recorded. 
RetirementAccountStatement  Evidences transactions recorded and account balances for a restricted individual investment account during a specified period. 
RoadMaintenanceAgreement  Establishes the parties and their respective responsibilities to jointly maintain a road. 
SatisfactionOfJudgment  Confirms that a judgment filed against a property has been released. Provided by a legal authority. 
SatisfactionOfSecurityInstrument  Confirms the security interest has been paid off and the lien on the property is released. Required to be recorded. 
Section32DisclosureNotice  Informs the borrower that a loan is considered a high cost loan. Required by Regulation Z. AKA: 2016a. 
SecurityInstrument  Establishes the lender’s security interest in the real property. 
SecurityInstrumentModification  Changes one or more of the terms of a loan of the mortgagor in the security instrument. 
SecurityInstrumentRider  Adds additional provisions to the security instrument. 
ServicingDisclosureStatement  Informs the borrower that the right to collect their mortgage loan payments may be transferred, and they have certain rights under federal law. Required by RESPA / Regulation X. 
ServicingTransferStatement  Informs the borrower that the servicing of their loan is being transferred. Required by RESPA / Regulation X. 
SettlementStatement  Describes the funds that are payable at closing. Items that appear on the statement include real estate commissions, loan fees, points, and initial escrow amounts. Required by RESPA / Regulation X. 
SocialSecurityAwardLetter  Confirms that Social Security benefits are payable and the amount received each month. Provided by the Social Security Administration. 
StandardFloodHazardDetermination  Confirms whether the property is located in a flood zone and therefore whether it requires flood insurance. Provided by FEMA. 
StatementOfBorrowerBenefit  Describes how the borrower is benefiting from a loan transaction. 
StockCertificate  Confirms legal ownership of stock in a corporation. 
SubordinationAgreement  Establishes that a prior lien is made inferior to an otherwise junior lien. An Agreement between two creditors (lien holders) of a particular borrower. 
SubsidyAgreement  Establishes that the borrower will set up a subsidy account to supplement the mortgage payment. 
SubstitutionOfTrustee  Names a successor trustee. 
Survey  Describes encroachments on mortgaged property. 
SurveyAffidavit  Confirms that no encroachments have been built since the preceding survey. Provided by the borrower. 
TaxAuthorization  Authorizes the tax collector to send the tax bill to the respective mortgagee, servicing or processing organization. 
TaxCertificate  Describes taxes charged by state or local governments. 
TaxLien  Evidences a tax lien against a property, person, or entity. 
TaxLienRelease  Releases a tax lien against a property, person, or entity. 
TaxReturn  Provides information used to calculate income or other taxes. 
TenYearWarranty  Confirms existence of the insurance policy that covers the property against defects in workmanship. Provided by Insurance company. 
ThirdPartyEmploymentStatement  Used when a third party employment verification vendor provides verification of employment. 
TILDisclosure  Informs the borrower of the annual percentage rate, or APR, of the loan as well as other facets of the mortgage program. Required by TILA / Reg Z. 
TitleAbstract  Describes the result of a title search of public records. This is the source document that produces the conditions in a title commitment. Provided by Title Insurance company. 
TitleCommitment  Establishes a commitment to issue Title insurance subject to payment or other specified conditions. Provided by the Title Insurance company. 
TitleInsuranceEndorsement  Changes one or more of the terms of the Title Insurance Policy. 
TitleInsurancePolicy  Establishes that the insurer agrees to pay the insured (a purchaser or mortgagee with an interest in the property) a specific amount for any loss caused by defects of title to the real estate. 
TrustAgreement  Establishes the terms of a Trust, including the rights and responsibilities of the trustee and the trustor. 
UCC1Statement  Describes property taken as collateral from a borrower. Required to be filed in public records to record security interest in the property. 
UCC3Statement  Changes the UCC-1 by amending or terminating the security interest. 
UnderwritingTransmittal  Describes key information utilized in the comprehensive risk assessment of the mortgage, and the final underwriting decision. Used for manually-processed applications for single-family conventional first and second mortgages. 
VAAcknowledgmentOfNoInspection  Acknowledges the awareness of the borrower that the property was not inspected and will not qualify for government assistance in the correction of structural defects. 
VACertificateOfEligibility  Confirms the veteran status of a person and prior home loan usage. 
VACertificateOfReasonableValue  Confirms the maximum value and loan amount for a VA mortgage. 
VACollectionPolicyNotice  Informs the borrower of the actions that can be taken by the VA if a borrower defaults on a loan. 
VAForeclosureBidLetter  Describes the procedure for purchasing a foreclosed VA property. 
VAInterestRateReductionRefinancingLoanWorksheet  Determines amount current VA homeowners can reduce their interest rate with no out of pocket expenses and minimal documentation. 
VAFundingFeeNotice  Informs the borrower of VA funding fee costs. 
VALoanAnalysis  Determines whether a veteran qualifies for a VA loan and whether a lenders adheres to VA standards. 
ValuationUpdate  Details an update or correction to an appraisal report. 
VARequestForCertificationOfEligibilityForHomeLoanBenefit  Provides VA with information to make determination of a VA eligibility of the borrower. 
VARateReductionRefinanceInformationAndAgreement  Acknowledges the borrower is aware of the terms of the existing loan and the terms of the new loan, whether the payment will be increasing or decreasing and how long it takes to recoup all closing costs. 
VAReportAndCertificationOfLoanDisbursement  Describes details of a VA closed loan. 
VAVerificationOfBenefitRelatedIndebtedness  Confirms whether a veteran has the ability to incur debt on a loan. 
VerificationOfCredit  Confirms borrower credit information. 
VerificationOfDependentCare  Confirms dependent care expenses paid by borrower. 
VerificationOfDeposit  Confirms borrowers deposit information. 
VerificationOfEmployment  Confirms borrowers employment information. 
VerificationOfMortgageOrRent  Confirms mortgage or rent expenses paid by borrower. 
VolunteerEscrowPrepaymentDesignation  Authorizes lender to increase escrow accounts of the borrower. 
VerificationOfSecurities  Confirms information about securities owned by borrower. 
WireInstructions  Describes the procedure for wiring funds to escrow account. Provided by closing agent. 
WireTransferAuthorization  Authorizes a wire transfer of funds. 
WireTransferConfirmation  Confirms that the recipient is in receipt of funds sent via bank wire process. 
Worksheet  Describes the procedure for performing an analysis or making a determination and captures results of the work. 

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