Attribute Name  LoanIdentifier 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  LoanIdentifier 
Domain  MISMOIdentifier 
Definition  The value of the identifier for the specified type. 

LoanIdentifier Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  LoanIdentifier 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

LoanIdentifier Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

LoanIdentifier Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

LoanIdentifier User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

LoanIdentifier Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifier Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifier Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifier Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  SequenceNumber 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  SequenceNumber 
Domain  XSD:Integer 
Definition  An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. 

SequenceNumber Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  SequenceNumber 
Datatype  INTEGER 
Nullable  YES 

SequenceNumber Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

SequenceNumber Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

SequenceNumber User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

SequenceNumber Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

SequenceNumber Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  LoanIdentifierType 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  LoanIdentifierType 
Domain  LoanIdentifierEnum 
Definition  The type of identifier used for a loan.  

LoanIdentifierType Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  LoanIdentifierType 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  YES 

LoanIdentifierType Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

LoanIdentifierType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  ValidationRule258 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
AgencyCase  An identifier assigned by a government agency (for example FHA Case Number, VA Case Number). The identifier is used by the agency to identify a loan. 
InvestorCommitment  The unique identifier of the commitment that states the terms under which a loan seller and an investor agree to exchange loans for funds, securities, or other assets. 
InvestorContract  A unique identifier for a group of loans identified as part of a cash pool or a security pool. 
InvestorLoan  Account number assigned by the investor used for tracking on the investors systems. 
LenderCase  Number used by the Lender to identify a loan. 
LenderLoan  The identifier assigned by the originating Lender to be referenced as the Loan ID/Number on all settlement documents, notes, riders, etc. 
LoanPriceQuote  A unique identifier for a loan price quote, assigned by the party that makes the price quote for tracking purposes. 
MERS_MIN  Number used by MERS to identify loans. Referred to as the MIN, Mortgage Identification Number. 
NewServicerLoan  Account number assigned by the servicer used for tracking on the servicer systems. For servicing transfer purposes the servicer would be the Transferee. 
Other  Other 
PriceResponse  A unique identifier for a price response, assigned by the responder, used to track or refer to the price response. 
SellerLoan  A unique identifier assigned by the seller to the loan. 
ServicerLoan  A unique identifier assigned by the servicer to identify the loan. For servicing transfer purposes the servicer would be the Transferor. 
WholesaleLenderLoan  A tracking number assigned by the wholesale lender to identify the loan for pipeline management. 

LoanIdentifierType Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

LoanIdentifierType User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

LoanIdentifierType Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifierType Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifierType Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifierType Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Attribute Name  LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription 
Domain  MISMOString 
Definition  A free-form text field used to describe the Loan Identifier Type when Other is selected as the Loan Identifier Type. 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription 
Datatype  VARCHAR(0) 
Nullable  NO 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  RoleName  Parent Entity  Datatype  Domain  Description 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

LoanIdentifierTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description