MICoveragePercent |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MICoveragePercent |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MICoveragePercent |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOPercent |
Definition | The percentage of mortgage insurance coverage obtained. |
Note |
MICoveragePercent Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MICoveragePercent |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
MICoveragePercent Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MICoveragePercent Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MICoveragePercent User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MICoveragePercent Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MICoveragePercent Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MICoveragePercent Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MICoveragePercent Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIDurationType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIDurationType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIDurationEnum |
Definition | Specifies the period of time for which mortgage insurance coverage has been obtained/paid. |
Note |
MIDurationType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIDurationType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIDurationType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIDurationType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule285 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Annual | Annual |
NotApplicable | NotApplicable |
Other | Other |
PeriodicMonthly | PeriodicMonthly |
SingleLifeOfLoan | SingleLifeOfLoan |
SingleSpecific | SingleSpecific |
SplitPremium | SplitPremium |
MIDurationType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIDurationType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIDurationType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIDurationTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIDurationTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field used to capture the description of the type of MI Duration if Other is selected as the MIDurationType. |
Note |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIDurationTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIDurationTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingEnum |
Definition | Specifies whether the initial Mortgage Insurance premium is prepaid upon closing or deferred until first principle payment. |
Note |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule286 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Deferred | Deferred |
Other | Other |
Prepaid | Prepaid |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field used to capture the description of the type of MI Initial Premium At Closing if Other is selected as the MIInitialPremiumAtClosingType. |
Note |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIInitialPremiumAtClosingTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MILenderSpecialProgramDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MILenderSpecialProgramDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | To convey information describing a certain class of lender loans. Not to be confused with Mortgage Insurance Special Pricing Description. |
Note |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MILenderSpecialProgramDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MILenderSpecialProgramDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumFinancedIndicator |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumFinancedIndicator |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOIndicator |
Definition | Indicates whether mortgage insurance premium has been added to loan amount. |
Note |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumFinancedIndicator |
Datatype | BIT |
Nullable | NO |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumPaymentType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumPaymentType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIPremiumPaymentEnum |
Definition | Defines the source of premium payments and how they are to be paid. |
Note |
MIPremiumPaymentType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumPaymentType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIPremiumPaymentType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumPaymentType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule289 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Escrowed | Funds are collected monthly and places in an escrow account to pay the anual priemium when due. |
Financed | Rolled into mortgage. |
Other | Other |
RatePremium | RatePremium |
Upfront | Upfront |
MIPremiumPaymentType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumPaymentType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumPaymentType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field used to capture the description of the type of MI Premium Payment if Other is selected as the MIPremiumPaymentType. |
Note |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumPaymentTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumRatePlanType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumRatePlanType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIPremiumRatePlanEnum |
Definition | Specifies pattern of Mortgage Insurance premium rates charged over the life of the coverage. |
Note |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumRatePlanType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule290 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
BackLoaded | BackLoaded |
Level | First premium is at same rate as subsequent renewals. |
ModifiedFrontLoaded | MI premium collected from borrower. |
Other | Other |
StandardFrontLoaded | First premium is at a higher rate than subsequent renewals. |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumRatePlanType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field used to capture the description of the type of MI Premium Rate Plan if Other is selected as the MIPremiumRatePlanType. |
Note |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRatePlanTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumRefundableType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumRefundableType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIPremiumRefundableEnum |
Definition | Specifies how the unearned portion of any private mortgage insurance premiums will be treated if the private mortgage insurance coverage is canceled. |
Note |
MIPremiumRefundableType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumRefundableType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIPremiumRefundableType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumRefundableType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule291 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
NotRefundable | NotRefundable |
Other | Other |
Refundable | Refundable |
RefundableWithLimits | RefundableWithLimits |
MIPremiumRefundableType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumRefundableType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumRefundableType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field used to capture the description of the type of MI Premium Refundable if Other is selected as the MIPremiumRefundableType. |
Note |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumRefundableTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumSourceType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumSourceType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIPremiumSourceEnum |
Definition | Defines the source of the MI premium payment. |
Note |
MIPremiumSourceType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumSourceType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIPremiumSourceType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumSourceType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule292 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Borrower | Borrower |
BorrowerAndLender | BorrowerAndLender |
Lender | Lender |
Other | Other |
MIPremiumSourceType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumSourceType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumSourceType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field to collect MI premium source when Other is selected for MI Premium Source Type. |
Note |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumSourceTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIPremiumTermMonthsCount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIPremiumTermMonthsCount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOCount |
Definition | The number of months of mortgage insurance coverage paid for. |
Note |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIPremiumTermMonthsCount |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | NO |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIPremiumTermMonthsCount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIRenewalCalculationType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MIRenewalCalculationType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MIRenewalCalculationType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MIRenewalCalculationEnum |
Definition | Specifies the way in which the renewal premiums will be calculated. |
Note |
MIRenewalCalculationType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MIRenewalCalculationType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MIRenewalCalculationType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MIRenewalCalculationType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule294 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Constant | Constant |
Declining | Declining |
NoRenewals | NoRenewals |
MIRenewalCalculationType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MIRenewalCalculationType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MIRenewalCalculationType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIRenewalCalculationType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIRenewalCalculationType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MIRenewalCalculationType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISpecialPricingDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MISpecialPricingDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MISpecialPricingDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | To convey information about a special pricing option or special deal number associated with a certain class of lender loans. |
Note |
MISpecialPricingDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MISpecialPricingDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MISpecialPricingDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MISpecialPricingDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MISpecialPricingDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MISpecialPricingDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISpecialPricingDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISpecialPricingDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISpecialPricingDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOPercent |
Definition | Reflects the actual up-front MI Premium percent associated with the plan. |
Note |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISplitPremiumUpfrontPercent Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramType |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MISubPrimeProgramType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MISubPrimeProgramType |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISubPrimeProgramEnum |
Definition | To convey the loan is processed as sub prime. |
Note |
MISubPrimeProgramType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MISubPrimeProgramType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
MISubPrimeProgramType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MISubPrimeProgramType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule300 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
AMinus | AMinus |
BPaper | BPaper |
CPaper | CPaper |
Other | Other |
MISubPrimeProgramType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MISubPrimeProgramType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MISubPrimeProgramType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription |
Base Entity | MI_PRODUCT |
Attribute Name | MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | The description of the MI Sub Prime Program Type when Other is selected as the option from the enumerated list. |
Note |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
MISubPrimeProgramTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |