CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount |
Attribute Name | CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOAmount |
Definition | The total dollar amount per month of the borrowers current income of a single Income Type from both primary and secondary sources. Collected on the URLA in V Monthly Income. |
Note |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
CurrentIncomeMonthlyTotalAmount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator |
Attribute Name | IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOIndicator |
Definition | Indicates that the income is legally exempt from federal tax. |
Note |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator |
Datatype | BIT |
Nullable | NO |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeFederalTaxExemptIndicator Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeType |
Attribute Name | IncomeType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | IncomeType |
RoleName | |
Domain | IncomeEnum |
Definition | Specifies the general names (types) of items commonly listed as income of the borrower in a mortgage loan transaction. |
Note |
IncomeType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | IncomeType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
IncomeType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
IncomeType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule209 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
AlimonyChildSupport | Periodic amount paid under terms of divorce decree / agreement. Income if borrower receives. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income - Other). |
AutomobileExpenseAccount | AutomobileExpenseAccount |
Base | For salaried positions, the monthly amount of salary (annual salary/12). For hourly positions, the income that would arise from 52 weeks of work at the usual and customary number of non-overtime hours per week / 12. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Mon |
BoarderIncome | BoarderIncome |
Bonus | Income derived from optional compensation paid out by employer, linked to employers overall performance and/or individual performance. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income - Bonuses). |
BorrowerEstimatedTotalMonthlyIncome | The borrower monthly income amount used by the lender to qualify the borrower for the loan. |
Commissions | borrower income that is based upon a percentage of the goods or services the borrower sells (e.g., gross Realtor commission = 6%) Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income - Commissions). |
ContractBasis | Income received on a contract or per job basis. Recipients are classified by employers as independent contractors and not considered employees. |
DividendsInterest | Funds paid to owners of stocks or bonds by issuer of stock or bond. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income - Dividends / Interest). |
FosterCare | FosterCare |
MilitaryBasePay | MilitaryBasePay |
MilitaryClothesAllowance | MilitaryClothesAllowance |
MilitaryCombatPay | MilitaryCombatPay |
MilitaryFlightPay | MilitaryFlightPay |
MilitaryHazardPay | MilitaryHazardPay |
MilitaryOverseasPay | MilitaryOverseasPay |
MilitaryPropPay | Extra income paid to military people that have professional degrees, such as military doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc |
MilitaryQuartersAllowance | MilitaryQuartersAllowance |
MilitaryRationsAllowance | MilitaryRationsAllowance |
MilitaryVariableHousingAllowance | MilitaryVariableHousingAllowance |
MortgageCreditCertificate | An annual tax credit granted by government jurisdictions to help first-time homebuyers offset a portion of the interest on a new mortgage. Mortgage lenders often view the estimated amount of the credit as additional monthly income to help the potential borrower qualify for the loan. |
MortgageDifferential | Income used when an employer subsidizes and employees mortgage payments by paying all or part of the interest differential between the employees present and proposed mortgage payments. |
NetRentalIncome | NetRentalIncome |
NotesReceivableInstallment | NotesReceivableInstallment |
Other | Used in conjunction with a textual description of other types of income. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income - Other). |
Overtime | Additional hourly compensation paid for work beyond the usual and customary work period. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income - Overtime). |
Pension | Periodic amount paid by employer to persons who have retired from employer after attaining necessary term of service and other attributes. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income). |
ProposedGrossRentForSubjectProperty | The anticipated rent on the subject property if it is an investment property or if a 2-4 property where other units are rented. |
PublicAssistance | Amount paid to borrower by federal, state or local public assistance program |
RealEstateOwnedGrossRentalIncome | Periodic gross rents (before expenses) arising from a piece of real estate owned (or to be owned) by borrower. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Schedule of Real Estate - Gross Rental Income). |
SocialSecurity | In the US, monthly amount paid to recipients of OASI (Old Age and Survivors Insurance) commonly known as Social Security. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income). |
SubjectPropertyNetCashFlow | SubjectPropertyNetCashFlow |
TrailingCoBorrowerIncome | TrailingCoBorrowerIncome |
Trust | Trust |
Unemployment | Amount paid or payable to borrower from state or Federal unemployment insurance program. |
VABenefitsNonEducational | Dollar amount of VA Benefits excluding education benefits available to a veteran borrower. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income). |
WorkersCompensation | Amount paid or payable to borrower from Workers Compensation Insurance program, usually for injuries that prevent borrower from working. Collected on the URLA in Section V (Monthly Income). |
IncomeType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
IncomeType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
IncomeType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription |
Attribute Name | IncomeTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | IncomeTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Income Type. |
Note |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | IncomeTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
IncomeTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |