EntityType  Dependent 
Logical Entity Name  COMPARABLE_DETAIL 

Attribute/Logical Rolename  Domain  Datatype  NULL  Definition 
AdjustedSalesPriceAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The sales price of a property after it has been adjusted during the application of the Sales Comparison approach for property valuation. 
AdjustedSalesPricePerBedroomAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of a bedroom determined by dividing the adjusted sales price by the number of bedrooms in a property. This field is specific to appraisal forms. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
AdjustedSalesPricePerRoomAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of a room determined by dividing the adjusted sales price by the number of rooms in a property. This field is specific to appraisal forms. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD). 
AdjustedSalesPricePerUnitAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of a living unit determined by dividing the adjusted sales price by the number of living units in a multi-unit property. This field is specific to appraisal forms. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
ClosedSaleCommentDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Text comments about the closed sale information. 
ComparableIdentifier  MISMOIdentifier  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Identifies the positional location on the appraisal form in which the comparable appears. 
ComparableListingCommentDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Text comments about the listing information. 
ComparablePropertyCommentDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field used to describe or comment on the comparable property used in the application of the Sales Comparison approach to property valuation. 
ComparableSaleFurnishedIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  Indicates whether the comparable property is furnished. 
ComparableType  ComparableEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Indicates the status of the property as either a competitive offering, comparable offering, comparable active listing, comparable expired listing or closed sale.
ComparableTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Comparable Type 
CompetitiveListingsCommentDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free form text field used to describe and reconcile the competitive listings used. 
GrossMonthlyRentMultiplierPercent  MISMOPercent  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  Specifies the multiplier factor used in calculating the Gross Monthly Rent of a property. 
MLSNumberIdentifier  MISMOIdentifier  VARCHAR(0)  NO  Identifies the record number in the local MLS from which the listing was obtained. 
MonthlyRentAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The amount paid by the borrower or coborrower for the rental of a residence property. This information is normally provided during interview with the borrower or obtained from a loan application, and is sometimes verified with the residence property landl 
PricePerSquareFootAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The price in terms of dollars per square foot. This is a ratio between a price and an area, but it is a monetary value rather than a factor or rate. (i.e. sales price per gross living area of a property) 
ProximityToSubjectDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A free-form text field used to describe the proximity of a comparable property to the subject property. 
RentControlStatusType  RentControlStatusEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  Specifies the existence or likelihood of rent controls such as controls on businesses and apartment complexes.
SalePriceTotalAdjustmentAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of the total adjustments made to a comparable property sales price during the application of the Sales Comparison approach to determine the market value of the subject property. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalePriceTotalAdjustmentNetPercent  MISMOPercent  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The percentage of the net sales price adjustments to the sales price of a property during the application of the sales comparison approach to property valuation. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPricePerBedroomAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of a bedroom of the property determined by dividing the sales price by the total number of bedrooms in the property. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPricePerGrossBuildingAreaAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The sales price in terms of dollars per square foot of the gross building area. This is a ratio between the sales price and an area, but it is a monetary value rather than a factor or rate. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPricePerGrossLivingAreaAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The sales price in terms of dollars per square foot of gross living area. This is a ratio between the sales price and an area, but it is a monetary value rather than a factor or rate. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPricePerOwnershipShareAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of one share of the property determined by dividing the sales price by the total number of property ownership shares. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPricePerRoomAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of one room of the property determined by dividing the sales price by the total number of rooms in the property. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPricePerUnitAmount  MISMOAmount  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The dollar value of a living unit in a multi-unit property determined by dividing the sales price by the total number of units within the property. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 
SalesPriceToListPriceRatePercent  MISMOPercent  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  Specifies the ratio of the property sales price to its list price. 
SalesPriceTotalAdjustmentGrossPercent  MISMOPercent  DECIMAL(0, 2)  NO  The percentage of the gross sales price adjustments (i.e. sum of the absolute adjustment values) to the sales price of a property during the application of the sales comparison approach for property valuation. (CALCULATED RESULTS FIELD) 

Key Name  Key Type  Keys 

Parent Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Supertype 
COMPARABLE  Identifying  One to Zero or One          NO 
Child Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Subtype 

COMPARABLE_DETAIL Check Constraints 
Check Constraint Name  CheckConstraint 

COMPARABLE_DETAIL Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

COMPARABLE_DETAIL User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  Description 

COMPARABLE_DETAIL Data Movement Rules 
Name  Type  Rule Text/Value