EntityType | Dependent |
Logical Entity Name | LIABILITY_DETAIL |
Definition | |
Note |
Attribute/Logical Rolename | Domain | Datatype | NULL | Definition |
LiabilityAccountIdentifier | MISMOIdentifier | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A unique identifier of a borrowers liability. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Liabilities). |
LiabilityDescription | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A text description that further defines the Liability. This could be used to describe the job related expenses. |
LiabilityExclusionIndicator | MISMOIndicator | BIT | NO | Indicates whether the liability is to be excluded from inclusion in calculations associated with processing the loan. |
LiabilityMonthlyPaymentAmount | MISMOAmount | DECIMAL(0, 2) | NO | The dollar amount of the monthly payment required on borrowers Liability Type. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Liabilities - Monthly Payment). |
LiabilityPayoffStatusIndicator | MISMOIndicator | BIT | NO | Identifies whether the liability will be paid at or before closing. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Liabilities - Indicated By *). |
LiabilityPayoffWithCurrentAssetsIndicator | MISMOIndicator | BIT | NO | Indicates a liability is to be paid using borrowers current assets, prior to closing, and not out of cash from closing. |
LiabilityRemainingTermMonthsCount | MISMOCount | INTEGER | NO | The number of months the borrower must make payments in order to satisfy the identified liability. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Liabilities - Mos. Left to Pay). |
LiabilityType | LiabilityEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | Specifies the general names (types) of items commonly listed as liabilities of the borrower in a mortgage loan transaction. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Liabilities). |
LiabilityTypeOtherDescription | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | Specifies the other liability type when Other is selected. |
LiabilityUnpaidBalanceAmount | MISMOAmount | DECIMAL(0, 2) | NO | The dollar amount of the current outstanding balance on borrowers Liability Type. Collected on the URLA in Section VI (Liabilities - Unpaid Balance). |
SubjectLoanResubordinationIndicator | MISMOIndicator | BIT | NO | Indicates whether the liability will be re-subordinated to the subject loan after closing. |
Key Name | Key Type | Keys |
LIABILITY_DETAIL Relationships |
Parent Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Supertype |
LIABILITY | Identifying | One to Zero or One | NO |
Child Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Subtype |
LIABILITY_DETAIL Check Constraints |
Check Constraint Name | CheckConstraint |
LIABILITY_DETAIL Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
LIABILITY_DETAIL User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | Description |
LIABILITY_DETAIL Data Movement Rules |
Name | Type | Rule Text/Value |