EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount |
Attribute Name | EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOCount |
Definition | High end of the range of the estimated effective age reflecting condition and deterioration |
Note |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | NO |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeHighYearsCount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount |
Attribute Name | EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOCount |
Definition | Low end of the range of the estimated effective age reflecting condition and deterioration |
Note |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | NO |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeRangeLowYearsCount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount |
Attribute Name | EffectiveAgeYearsCount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EffectiveAgeYearsCount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOCount |
Definition | The estimated effective age reflecting condition and deterioration |
Note |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EffectiveAgeYearsCount |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | NO |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EffectiveAgeYearsCount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount |
Attribute Name | RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOCount |
Definition | High end of the range of the estimated remaining economic life. |
Note |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | NO |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeHighYearsCount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount |
Attribute Name | RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOCount |
Definition | Low end of the range of the estimated remaining economic life. |
Note |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | NO |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
RemainingEconomicLifeRangeLowYearsCount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
StructureAppealDescription |
Attribute Name | StructureAppealDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | StructureAppealDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free-form text field used to describe aspects of the structure that add or detract from its appeal. |
Note |
StructureAppealDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | StructureAppealDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
StructureAppealDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
StructureAppealDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
StructureAppealDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
StructureAppealDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
StructureAppealDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
StructureAppealDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
StructureAppealDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |