Value |
Value Description |
Appraiser |
Appraiser |
AppraiserSupervisor |
AppraiserSupervisor |
AssignFrom |
AssignFrom |
AssignTo |
AssignTo |
Attorney |
Attorney |
AttorneyInFact |
A person who is authorized to act as agent or attorney on behalf of another person. |
AuthorizedRepresentative |
AuthorizedRepresentative |
BeneficialInterestParty |
Person or organization who has the beneficial interest in the deed of trust. |
BillToParty |
BillToParty |
Borrower |
Borrower |
Builder |
Builder |
Client |
Client |
ClosingAgent |
ClosingAgent |
CooperativeCompany |
Cooperative Company is the legal entity of the housing cooperative. |
CorrespondentLender |
CorrespondentLender |
Cosigner |
Cosigner |
CustodianNotePayTo |
CustodianNotePayTo |
DeliverRecissionTo |
DeliverRecissionTo |
DocumentCustodian |
DocumentCustodian |
ENoteController |
Controller of the enote in the e mortgage registry. |
ENoteControllerTransferee |
The party to whom control is being transferred. |
ENoteCustodian |
A member of the eRegistry that maintains the Authoritative Copy of the eNote either as Controller or as a custodian on behalf of the Controller. |
ENoteCustodianTransferee |
The party to whom custody is being transferred. |
ENoteDelegateeForTransfers |
A member of the eRegistry that is authorized by the Controller to perform certain transfer transactions on behalf of the Controller. |
ENoteRegisteringParty |
The party initiating the registration transaction. |
ENoteServicer |
A member of the eRegistry that is authorized by the Controller to perform certain MERS eRegistry transactions on the Controller’s behalf. The Servicer on an eNote record can submit Change Data and Change Status transactions. |
ENoteServicerTransferee |
The party to whom servicing is being transferred. |
ENoteTransferInitiator |
The party initiating the transfer transaction. |
FHASponsor |
FHASponsor |
FloodCertificateProvider |
FloodCertificateProvider |
FulfillmentParty |
FulfillmentParty |
Grantee |
Grantee |
Grantor |
Grantor |
HazardInsuranceAgent |
HazardInsuranceAgent |
HazardInsuranceCompany |
HazardInsuranceCompany |
HUD1SettlementAgent |
The party specified as the Settlement Agent on the HUD-1. |
Interviewer |
Interviewer |
InterviewerEmployer |
InterviewerEmployer |
Investor |
Investor |
IRSTaxFormThirdParty |
IRSTaxFormThirdParty |
LawFirm |
LawFirm |
Lender |
Lender |
LenderBranch |
LenderBranch |
LienHolder |
LienHolder |
LoanDeliveryFilePreparer |
LoanDeliveryFilePreparer |
LoanOfficer |
LoanOfficer |
LoanOriginationCompany |
LoanOriginationCompany |
LoanOriginator |
LoanOriginator |
LoanSeller |
LoanSeller |
LossPayee |
LossPayee |
ManagementCompany |
ManagementCompany |
MICompany |
MICompany |
MortgageBroker |
MortgageBroker |
NonTitleSpouse |
Individual associated with the borrower, usually the spouse, who is not obligated on the loan nor are they a title holder on the subject property. Nevertheless they have certain rights with regard to the loan and disposition of the property. |
Notary |
Notary |
NotePayTo |
NotePayTo |
NotePayToRecipient |
NotePayToRecipient |
Other |
Other |
Payee |
Payee |
PreparedBy |
PreparedBy |
ProjectDeveloper |
ProjectDeveloper |
ProjectManagementAgent |
ProjectManagementAgent |
PropertyOwner |
The property owner of public record. |
PropertySeller |
PropertySeller |
RealEstateAgent |
RealEstateAgent |
ReceivingParty |
ReceivingParty |
RegulatoryAgency |
RegulatoryAgency |
RequestingParty |
RequestingParty |
RespondingParty |
RespondingParty |
RespondToParty |
RespondToParty |
ReviewAppraiser |
ReviewAppraiser |
ServiceProvider |
ServiceProvider |
Servicer |
Servicer |
ServicerPaymentCollection |
ServicerPaymentCollection |
ServicingTransferee |
ServicingTransferee |
ServicingTransferor |
ServicingTransferor |
Spouse |
Spouse |
SubmittingParty |
SubmittingParty |
TaxableParty |
TaxableParty |
TaxServicer |
TaxServicer |
ThirdPartyInvestor |
ThirdPartyInvestor |
ThirdPartyOriginator |
ThirdPartyOriginator |
TitleCompany |
TitleCompany |
TitleHolder |
TitleHolder |
Trust |
Trust |
TrustBeneficiary |
TrustBeneficiary |
Trustee |
Trustee |
TrustGrantor |
TrustGrantor |
WarehouseLender |
WarehouseLender |
Witness |
Witness |