EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOAmount |
Definition | The current balance in the escrow account for the activity period, as projected during the closing documents preparation process. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityCurrentBalanceAmount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber |
Attribute Name | SequenceNumber |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | SequenceNumber |
RoleName | |
Domain | XSD:Integer |
Definition | An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. |
Note |
SequenceNumber Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | SequenceNumber |
Datatype | INTEGER |
Nullable | YES |
SequenceNumber Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
SequenceNumber Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
SequenceNumber User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
SequenceNumber Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
SequenceNumber Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOMonth |
Definition | The disbursement month of the escrow account for the activity period. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth |
Datatype | DATE |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementMonth Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOYear |
Definition | The disbursement year of the escrow account for the activity period. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear |
Datatype | DATE |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityDisbursementYear Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType |
RoleName | |
Domain | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionEnum |
Definition | A description of the escrow disbursement type included in a payment for the activity period. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule145 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
Assessment | Assessment |
CityPropertyTax | CityPropertyTax |
CountyPropertyTax | CountyPropertyTax |
EarthquakeInsurance | EarthquakeInsurance |
FloodInsurance | FloodInsurance |
HazardInsurance | HazardInsurance |
MortgageInsurance | MortgageInsurance |
Other | Other |
SchoolPropertyTax | SchoolPropertyTax |
TownPropertyTax | TownPropertyTax |
VillagePropertyTax | VillagePropertyTax |
WindstormInsurance | WindstormInsurance |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free form text field used to collect additional information when Other is selected for Escrow Account Activity Payment Description Type. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentDescriptionTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOAmount |
Definition | The dollar amount of the disbursement for the activity period. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentFromEscrowAccountAmount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount |
Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOAmount |
Definition | The dollar amount of the payment to the escrow account for the activity period. |
Note |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount |
Datatype | DECIMAL(0, 2) |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowAccountActivityPaymentToEscrowAccountAmount Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemType |
Attribute Name | EscrowItemType |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowItemType |
RoleName | |
Domain | EscrowItemEnum |
Definition | Specifies the type of Escrow Item. |
Note |
EscrowItemType Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowItemType |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | YES |
EscrowItemType Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowItemType Reference Value (Bound to Domain) |
Name | ValidationRule148 |
Description | |
Type | By List |
Value | Value Description |
AnnualCityBondAuthorityTax | AnnualCityBondAuthorityTax |
AnnualCountyBondAuthorityTax | AnnualCountyBondAuthorityTax |
AssessmentDistrictTax | AssessmentDistrictTax |
BondAuthorityTax | BondAuthorityTax |
BoroughPropertyTax | BoroughPropertyTax |
BoroughTax | BoroughTax |
CentralAppraisalTaxingAuthorityTax | CentralAppraisalTaxingAuthorityTax |
CentralCollectionTaxingAuthorityTax | CentralCollectionTaxingAuthorityTax |
CityAndSchoolTax | CityAndSchoolTax |
CityPropertyTax | CityPropertyTax |
CityTax | CityTax |
CountyCollectedByOtherTaxingAuthorityTax | CountyCollectedByOtherTaxingAuthorityTax |
CountyPropertyTax | CountyPropertyTax |
CountyTax | CountyTax |
DistrictPropertyTax | DistrictPropertyTax |
EarthquakeInsurance | EarthquakeInsurance |
FireOrPoliceTax | FireOrPoliceTax |
FloodInsurance | FloodInsurance |
HazardInsurance | HazardInsurance |
HomeownersAssociationTax | HomeownersAssociationTax |
HospitalsTax | HospitalsTax |
JuniorCollegesTax | JuniorCollegesTax |
MobileHomeAuthorityTax | MobileHomeAuthorityTax |
MortgageInsurance | MortgageInsurance |
Other | Other |
OtherBondAuthorityTax | OtherBondAuthorityTax |
OtherCombinationCollectionTax | OtherCombinationCollectionTax |
OtherMunicipalityTax | OtherMunicipalityTax |
OtherMunicipalServicesTax | OtherMunicipalServicesTax |
OtherSchoolsTax | OtherSchoolsTax |
OtherSpecialApplicationsTax | OtherSpecialApplicationsTax |
OtherSpecialDistrictsTax | OtherSpecialDistrictsTax |
OtherTax | OtherTax |
PestInsurance | PestInsurance |
ReclamationDistrictTax | ReclamationDistrictTax |
RoadsOrBridgesTax | RoadsOrBridgesTax |
SanitationTax | SanitationTax |
SchoolPropertyTax | SchoolPropertyTax |
SchoolDistrictTax | SchoolDistrictTax |
SemiannualCityBondAuthorityTax | SemiannualCityBondAuthorityTax |
SemiannualCountyBondAuthorityTax | SemiannualCountyBondAuthorityTax |
SpecialDistrictTax | SpecialDistrictTax |
StateAndCountyTax | StateAndCountyTax |
StatePropertyTax | StatePropertyTax |
StateTaxingAuthorityTax | StateTaxingAuthorityTax |
StormInsurance | StormInsurance |
TownPropertyTax | TownPropertyTax |
TownshipAndCountyTax | TownshipAndCountyTax |
TownshipPropertyTax | TownshipPropertyTax |
TownshipTax | TownshipTax |
TownTax | TownTax |
UnsecuredCountyTaxes | UnsecuredCountyTaxes |
UtilityDistrictTax | UtilityDistrictTax |
VillagePropertyTax | VillagePropertyTax |
VillageTax | VillageTax |
WaterControlTax | WaterControlTax |
WaterOrSewerDistrictTax | WaterOrSewerDistrictTax |
WindstormInsurance | WindstormInsurance |
EscrowItemType Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowItemType User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowItemType Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemType Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemType Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemType Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription |
Attribute Name | EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription |
Logical Rolename | |
ColumnName | EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription |
RoleName | |
Domain | MISMOString |
Definition | A free form text field to collect additional information when Other is selected for Escrow Item Type. |
Note |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Logical Attribute Properties |
Logical Attribute Name | EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription |
Datatype | VARCHAR(0) |
Nullable | NO |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Domain Restrictions |
CheckConstraint | |
Check Constraint Name | |
Bound Rule | |
Declared Default | |
Bound Default |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | RoleName | Parent Entity | Datatype | Domain | Description |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Direct Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Secondary Source Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Direct Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |
EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Secondary Target Mappings |
Columns | Transformation Logic | Transformation Description |