EntityType | Dependent |
Logical Entity Name | BUYDOWN_SCHEDULE |
Definition | Information specific to the schedule of buydown payments associated with a loan. The schedule is established at loan closing and the buydown payments are used to reduce the payments for the borrower during the first few years of a loan. The schedule outlines the duration of the buydown amounts, when they change and/or end. |
Note |
Attribute/Logical Rolename | Domain | Datatype | NULL | Definition |
BuydownScheduleAdjustmentPercent | MISMOPercent | DECIMAL(0, 2) | NO | The effective reduction against the initial note rate while this buydown payment is in effective. |
SequenceNumber | XSD:Integer | INTEGER | YES | An integer value used to provide an order to multi-instance sibling elements. The value must be unique for each sibling element. |
BuydownSchedulePeriodicPaymentAmount | MISMOAmount | DECIMAL(0, 2) | NO | The amount of buydown for each payment per the buydown schedule. |
BuydownSchedulePeriodicPaymentEffectiveDate | MISMODate | DATE | NO | The first date the specific buydown payment becomes effective. |
BuydownSchedulePeriodicPaymentsCount | MISMOCount | INTEGER | NO | Number of payments in the period. Referred to at time of loan application as the period to next adjustment when establishing the terms of the buydown agreement. |
BuydownSchedulePeriodIdentifier | MISMOIdentifier | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A unique sequence number for the entries in the buydown schedule. Used to establish correct sequence of the payment elements when an effective date has not yet been established. |
Key Name | Key Type | Keys |
BUYDOWN_SCHEDULE Relationships |
Parent Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Supertype |
BUYDOWN_SCHEDULES | Identifying | One To Zero or More | NO |
Child Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Subtype |
BUYDOWN_SCHEDULE Check Constraints |
Check Constraint Name | CheckConstraint |
BUYDOWN_SCHEDULE Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
BUYDOWN_SCHEDULE User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | Description |
BUYDOWN_SCHEDULE Data Movement Rules |
Name | Type | Rule Text/Value |