EntityType | Dependent |
Logical Entity Name | ALIAS_DETAIL |
Definition | Additional information about the aliases. |
Note |
ALIAS_DETAIL Attributes |
Attribute/Logical Rolename | Domain | Datatype | NULL | Definition |
AliasAccountIdentifier | MISMOIdentifier | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A unique identifier of the account under which credit has been granted while using the identified alias (alternate name.) For a borrower alias, this may be collected on the URLA in Section VI. |
AliasCreditorName | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | The unstructured name of the grantor of credit to the party while using the identified alias (alternate name). For a borrower alias, this may be collected on the URLA in Section VI. |
AliasTaxReturnIndicator | MISMOIndicator | BIT | NO | When true indicates that this alias name was used on a tax return. |
AliasType | AliasEnum | VARCHAR(0) | YES | A description of the type of ALIASDescribes the type of alias. See list. |
AliasTypeOtherDescription | MISMOString | VARCHAR(0) | NO | A description of an ALIAS type not included in the enumerated list |
Key Name | Key Type | Keys |
ALIAS_DETAIL Relationships |
Parent Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Supertype |
ALIAS | Identifying | One to Zero or One | NO |
Child Relationships: |
Entity Name | Type | Cardinality | Business Name | VerbPhrase | InversePhrase | Foreign Keys | Is Subtype |
ALIAS_DETAIL Check Constraints |
Check Constraint Name | CheckConstraint |
ALIAS_DETAIL Bound Attachments |
Name | Current Value |
ALIAS_DETAIL User-Defined Mappings |
Model | Name | Description |
ALIAS_DETAIL Data Movement Rules |
Name | Type | Rule Text/Value |