EntityType  Dependent 
Logical Entity Name  ALIAS_DETAIL 
Definition  Additional information about the aliases. 

ALIAS_DETAIL Attributes 
Attribute/Logical Rolename  Domain  Datatype  NULL  Definition 
AliasAccountIdentifier  MISMOIdentifier  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A unique identifier of the account under which credit has been granted while using the identified alias (alternate name.) For a borrower alias, this may be collected on the URLA in Section VI. 
AliasCreditorName  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  The unstructured name of the grantor of credit to the party while using the identified alias (alternate name). For a borrower alias, this may be collected on the URLA in Section VI. 
AliasTaxReturnIndicator  MISMOIndicator  BIT  NO  When true indicates that this alias name was used on a tax return. 
AliasType  AliasEnum  VARCHAR(0)  YES  A description of the type of ALIASDescribes the type of alias. See list.
AliasTypeOtherDescription  MISMOString  VARCHAR(0)  NO  A description of an ALIAS type not included in the enumerated list 

Key Name  Key Type  Keys 

ALIAS_DETAIL Relationships 
Parent Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Supertype 
ALIAS  Identifying  One to Zero or One          NO 
Child Relationships: 
Entity Name  Type  Cardinality  Business Name  VerbPhrase  InversePhrase  Foreign Keys  Is Subtype 

ALIAS_DETAIL Check Constraints 
Check Constraint Name  CheckConstraint 

ALIAS_DETAIL Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

ALIAS_DETAIL User-Defined Mappings 
Model  Name  Description 

ALIAS_DETAIL Data Movement Rules 
Name  Type  Rule Text/Value