Starr suggested someone archive this:
The Assassins Guild varies from place to place. From the carefully cultured exterior of the Ankh-Morpork Guild to the mystical killers from Klatch. While the basic premise of killing people for money exists everywhere, how they go about it and the attitudes of the various guilds is very different.
Thus the Assassins' Guilds Creators committee presents: Assassin Specialisations.
With the introduction of Genua, there are four specialisations, each based on a major area on the Discworld.
The Ankh-Morpork Assassins are clearly defined from the books and also the Assassins Guild diary. They are men (and recently women) of style and class who would never do anything as crass as kill someone without payment. They specialize in poisons of all kinds, and of course, traditional inhumation.
Their Guild is located on Filigree Street in Ankh-Morpork.
One Guild Master (or Mistress) and six House Masters, each in charge of their own House.
Klatch is where the original Assassins came from, otherwise known as Hashishim. More rough and ready than their Ankh-Morpork compatriots, they however have excellent fighting skills, and can seamlessly slip away into the desert.
They can be found in a hidden guild located in the cliffs to the west of Djelibeybi.
One Lord/Lady of the Mountain and one Malik Iman (spiritual advisor, or Assistant GM).
The Ninja of Agatea value honour highly and would rather die than live without honour. They respect and are knowledgeable of Agatean culture. They can align themselves with a particular family and be used for interfamily "dealings" (or they will when the families are finished).
They are found in Silk Lane in Bes-Pelargic.
One Sensei as well as two Mentors (one female, one male - both appointed by the Sensei).
Since the AM Assassin branch left during Lilith's reign, in the stability that followed her death there was a hole in Genuan society for contract killers. A group of hitmen broke off from the Coffee Nostra and calling themselves the "Mano Rossa", or "Red Hands" they formed the Guild in Genua.
Their headquarters are in the old mansion that Ella grew up in on Dauphin Street in Genua; she gifted it to them to start their fledgling guild since she realised that all good cities need a way of removing unsightly ideas from society.
One Don, two Tenantes (both appointed by the Don)
When you first log in, you will be an "Undecided Assassin". To join a spec, you just go to the guildhouse in the proper area, and join.
Like the warriors, when you join a specialisation your current primaries will be mapped to the new primaries.
These are:Stays the same.
fighting.range.fired will swap with fighting.melee.sword
covert.lockpick.traps will swap with covert.hiding.object
covert.items.traps will swap with other.movement.riding.camel
covert.items.poisons will swap with covert.casing.person
fighting.melee.dagger will swap with fighting.melee.sword
fighting.range.thrown will swap with fighting.unarmed.striking
other.movement.climbing.rock will swap with other.culture.agatean
covert.items.traps will swap with covert.manipulation.sleight-of-hand
fighting.range.fired will swap with fighting.unarmed.grappling
other.movement.climbing.rope will swap with other.movement.climbing.tree
covert.items.poisons will swap with covert.casing.person
When you join a spec you will be unable to look at the book until you complete the test that each guild has. They vary in difficulty, but are all very different and in-theme to the area.
Even if you re-join the AM Assassins, you will have to re-pass the Run. Think of this as a wonderful ability to do the run again, which a lot of you have asked for!
Regarding playerkilling, you will still be the same status you were before the specs were introduced.
However, for newer people and current undergrads, the usual rules apply, where you must pass the "test" in each guild before you become a PK.
The Ninja spec is different however, when you will go PK and learn the inhume command when you reach level 50.
Only NPC contracts will able to be closed until you pass the Ninja test, when
you can then close PK contracts.
The GM for each spec can choose who can look at their book. For example, the Hashishim GM can choose to let the Ninjas look at the Hashishim book. This means that the Assassins and the Mano Rossa cannot. This does not work both ways.
You can however for example as a Ninja travel to AM to complete a Ninja contract, there is no restriction on where you can inhume.
As soon as enough of you have specialised and reached the voting requirements, we will be holding GM elections. Until then, you can only look at the book of your spec.
The GMs can also choose to mark certain areas of their Guildhouses off limits to different specs.
There will be four different charters, one for each spec that the GM can set.