Fruitcakes 2

Shop Operators' Guides


27B God Street, opposite Stabba Bank.
From outside the Mended Drum, 6 south, 6 west, northwest, 3 west, south.


Scrolls, Blorples to the shop, Perm-Lights.


We buy and sell the following scrolls:

Spell Packet Size We Buy (you Sell) We Sell
Portal 2 scrolls $6.80 $7.48
Portal 3 scrolls $10.20 $11.22
Portal 4 scrolls $13.60 $14.96
GFR (Feather Reliever) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90
FFM (Mirror Scry) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90
FTF (Thaumic Float) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90
FNP (Porter Cloud) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90
CIPS (Pickling Stick) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90
CCC (Troll Skin) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90
TPA (Ash Shield) 4 scrolls $9 $9.90

Scribing Supplies

Books of 20 cigarette papers may be purchased from the tobacco shops on the Plaza of broken Moons in Ankh Morpork and inside the Fez Club in Djelibeybi. Please use regular (not large) papers.

Tiny or small waxed paper or papyrus packets can be purchased in several places, the ones that I know of include:

Safe Scribing

This is the method I use. It may not work for you. A good place to do this is in your pex club room, player house, or somewhere else where no-one will come in and mess up the stuff on the floor. Rooms that NPCs clean up don't work!

A very important thing to note is that if you sell a batch of packets together, either (a) because you grouped them when you sold them, or (b) because they are all sold at the same price and description, then the shop groups them into a single item. This has the following implications:

Therefore, it is a better idea to scribe 5 packets of each different spell that a shop stocks, instead of 30 packets of one spell. The exception may be portal, which may be accepted in larger batches (eg Fruitcakes will accept 20 portal in a batch). It is possible to sell multiple batches by varying the price, eg 10 portal at $13.60, 10 portal at $13.50, 10 portal at $13.58 etc, however do not sell batches of portal above the packet price given with "value packets" to "balance out the price" in Fruitcakes as this will mean the auto-checking fails and the whole batch is likely to be rejected as too big to check manually!


We sell gold or turquoise scarab rings blorped to just outside the shop for $5. We may occasionally sell blorps to other places, but we do not buy blorps for sale.


Anyone who gets a Missing Item Receipt or a furniture item from a Player Shop in Ankh Morpork may be heavied, even if it is your own receipt or item. This includes mounted pewter shields, lava lamps and garden gnomes. If you drop one of these in the shop, please ask a creator to retrieve it for you. Do not under any circumstances attempt to get such an item dropped by another player.

PK's are requested not to initiate combat in the shop, nor to enter the shop if in PK combat.

Royalties time out 7 roundworld days after goods are approved. If your royalties have timed out, then you must reset the timer with the commands "royalties" and then "collect royalties". If you fail to do this, any further royalties will time out immediately we accept any new items you sell. If you only use the "collect royalties" command the counter may not reset. To reliably reset the counter and timeout you must use both commands in sequence, first "royalties", then "collect royalties" until you get the responses "You have no money owed to you here" and "You have no royalties to collect."

How the shop works

Selling Stuff


sell <item> will take you into a dialogue to sell an item.

You will now be prompted for some responses. There are 3 possibilities.

You have no items already on sale:

You will be asked for the name to sell the item as, and to confirm the item. You will then be asked for the price to sell the item at (if you are selling multiple items, this is the price per item that you are selling), the category to sell the item in, and finally, again, to confirm the sale.

You have items already on sale, and are selling a similar item:

Pick the matching item from the list supplied, enter a price, and then confirm.

You have items already on sale, but are selling a different item:

Enter create when given a list of existing items for sale, and then proceed as if selling a new item.

To sell an item to the shop, please use the prices shown in buy column of the price list, as these are the prices we buy at. If you are selling multiple items at once, it's the price per item, not the total price of all the items. If you are selling a container of items, or multiple containers of items, the unit that you are selling is the container, so use the price per container. For example:


We pay per packet. If you are selling 6 packets, you enter the price per packet.

The maximum number of items that you can sell with a single sell command is limited by the available shopfront space, not the available storeroom space. If you get a message like "The shop is full, it can only hold 150 items and it currently holds 149 items" when selling, try selling fewer items with each use of the sell command.

Once you have sold an item, it sits in a "storeroom" until the shopkeeper approves it for sale.

You may list your goods in the storeroom with the waiting command, and then retrieve them if you wish. Note that when using waiting and retrieve, the item identifier may be of the form "xx" or of the form "-xx", the presence or absence of the "-" is significant, if waiting shows your item as "-am" then you must retrieve -am to retrieve it, and not retrieve am.


We work in a "first in = first out" fashion - what gets sold to us first gets approved first next time we need to restock. So if it's taking a long time for your items to be approved it is because we are either overstocked or slow selling that particular item.

All items are inspected for authenticity.

Once your items are approved, you will be able to collect your royalties.


Please do not be offended or feel silly when an item you are selling gets rejected. We always try to give a reason why any particular item gets rejected; most often than not, items are rejected because of simple mistakes. You are always welcome to resell your goods if this happens.

My Items Are Not Waiting And I Have No Royalties

There are two possibilities. Either your items were rejected, and are in the local Post Office, or your items were approved and you did not collect your royalties in time.

Buying Stuff

"How do I do [x]?"


People to contact if you are in need of assistance:
Sined (owner)


Fruitcakes occasionally needs new staff to help out with stocking the shelves and approving goods for sale. If you are interested, and meet the following requirements, please mud-mail an application to Sined.


Thanks for shopping with us!