For, use xyz.points.
Your Base Stats (Total = 65) Con: Dex: Int: Str: Wis:
Skill (levels): Presets:
Stat Dependency for the Skill (Total = 5) Con: Dex: Int: Str: Wis:
Warnings: Yes No ("stat / sum out of range" alerts)
Stat Item: None Black Leather Gloves (+2d, -1s) Bronze Helm (+3i, +2w, -3c) Flat Cap (+3w, +2i, -3s) Iron Gauntlets (+2s) Prayer Beads (+1w) Prayer Beads (+2w) Thieves' Daggers (+1d) Beware Of Stat Conflicts Other Effects: Bless ; Blink ; Burden (-1d -2d); Intelligence Tea ; Sek's Altar ; Shrine (+1w +2w); Two Worn Containers ; WGS (+1c +2c +3c)
Faith Rituals
Fighting Melee Range Unarmed Defence Special
Magic Spells Methods
GP Regen: Adventurer: Covert: Magic: Priest: Warrior: HP Regen:
Bonuses Basic: Multiplier: Stat Modified: wawp