MCCP with Discworld

Note - The MCCP utility I have here is windows only, and runs in a dos box under windows.

Getting MCCP

I have a zip available with mcclient.exe and a config file ready built for connecting to discworld. Mcclient was originally written for Abandoned Reality by Oliver Jowett and released under GPL.

If you don't already have mcclient.exe:

  1. Download
  2. Unzip into a directory (eg c:\program files\mccp)
  3. Open the file and extract mcclient.exe into the same directory
  4. Double click mcclient.exe in that directory
  5. Connect your mud client to host "localhost" ip "" port "4242"

and the connection will be compressed and redirected to discworld. It's as easy as that.

MCCP Configuration File entry

If you already have mcclient.exe, use a line in your mcclient.cfg as follows:

<local port> 23


4242 23

GMud configuration

Now you need to configure your terminal software, for GMud the screen looks like this:

Gmud World List Screenshot

And Finally ...

To close mcclient.exe, use control-c in the mcclient.exe console window.