Rescue and Staying Alive


I am not a member of the Resurrections and Recovery Unit any more, as although I still believe that they provide a valuable resurrection and corpse / equipment retrieval service in hazardous locations, I can't stand the way that some of their members believe that joining the club places you at other members' beck and call whenever a member or a member's alt is on line.


I will provide transport for rescue parties, and can undertake recovery of equipment from rivers. I can also provide arcane shielding and some combat support in the most dangerous areas, and clearance of some of the less dangerous but hazardous areas. I can SU to my Pishe and resurrect too, but the MUD Rules do not allow me to use multiple characters during a rescue. You can have my Wizard's services, or my Assassin's services, or my Priest's services, but only one of them!

Rivers and Lakes

If you must fall into rivers and lakes, please learn to swim first. The skill is other.movement.swimming and it also uses other.points, and you should be able to advance it to level 25 in your guild. Do this at the earliest opportunity, as it will probably save you a life one day.

When you Fall In

If you fall in a river or lake, the quickest and safest way out is probably:


but you have to do this quickly, before you sink below the surface. If you are being dragged down by the weight of your equipment and money, then:


remove all
unkeep all
drop all

until you have got rid of all objects you wear wearing, carrying or equipped with;

and then keep swimming up until you break the surface, then move back in the direction you came from. The skill other.climbing.rock may help with steep river banks, it also uses other points. Once you're out, you have two choices.

The Djelibeybi Croc Pit

To escape from the Croc Pit, you need to get on the surface, then climb to the ledge, then climb up, and you need to do this before the crocodiles kill you or you drown. You can not leave items on the ledge, they will drop to the river and sink. I have heard that crocodiles may occasionally appear on the ledge, but I have never encountered them there.

Planned Croccings

You will be crocced if you kill a priest or cat in Djelibeybi. There may be other events that trigger a croccing.

It is possible to get crocced safely with a little bit of forethought. Here's a diagram of the croc pit.

Diagram of the Croc Pit

This consists of 4 rooms. At the top is a room on the path that leads West from Ptrip Ptrap Bridge, just North of the Tsort Gate, towards the Ur gate. At the bottom, underwater, is where everything falls down to. From the bottom, you go up to the surface, climb up to a ledge on the river-bank, then climb up again to the path. In the other direction, you climb down from the path to the ledge, climb down to the river, then just down will take you to the bottom room. Crocodiles may be in either of the two lower rooms, there's usually five of them. I'm not aware of crocodiles appearing on the river bank.

When you're thrown into the croc pit, you end up on the surface of the river. There may be crocodiles here. Below you is a room that you will drown in, and which may also contain crocodiles. Above you is a ledge. It is not a visible exit, but you can climb up to it. From the ledge, you can climb up to the path. In the water, you can use up and down to move between the rooms. The crocodiles may follow you. Note that climb up and climb down are not the same as up and down. You need to use the two word command.

It is believed that if you climb out of the croc pit too soon, the priests may throw you back in. It is suggested that to avoid this, you should wait on the ledge for a few minutes, 2 or 3 at least, 5 has been suggested by some people.

To plan a croccing, you might find the following checklist / action plan useful:

  1. After inadvertently killing a priest or cat in Djelibeybi, your first requirement is to leave town without getting crocced. If you have a means of arcane or ritualistic travel (i.e. portal, broomstick or passage) this is a good time to use it. Otherwise, leave town by the nearest exit, or get a ride from a priest or wizard. If you do move rooms, look before you move to check there are no prists in the room you are moving in to.
  2. Vault your inventory and bank your cash. Getting out the croc pit involves swimming and climbing, both of which are sensitive to your burden.
  3. Make sure you have 25 levels of the skills other.movement.climbing.rock, other.movement.swimming and other.points. You should be able to learn this in your guild advance room. More levels will help.
  4. Get tpa and ccc shields from a friendly wizard, or minor / major shield and / or holy aegis from a priest, or as many of these as you can. These are not essential, but may be useful.
  5. Set your combat response to wimp, and your wimpy setting to 0%. options combat tactics attitude = wimp and wimpy 0.
  6. Make sure you have full gp. If you are learning a foreign language, especially Djelian, turn it off with speak.
  7. Go to Djelibeybi.
  8. Find a priest. Not all Djelian NPC priests will initiate a croccing, you may have to wander round Djelibeybi a bit to find one. The bazaar area is usually a good place, or round the temples, although there are usually priests all over the place. I'm not sure which types you need to find, sorry.
  9. Wait until you are thrown in.
  10. Immediately climb up.
  11. Wait on the ledge for a few minutes. Don't move until your gp has regenerated.
  12. climb up again.
  13. Find the priest and check you don't get thrown back in.
  14. Visit a bank, get some cash for the vault, retrieve your equipment from the vault and carry on playing.


If you're dead in terrain regions, locating you can be tricky.

Several methods come to mind:

  1. Try RRU.
  2. If you can persuade a Pishite to do so, they can use a ritual called find corpse to locate you, even in terrains. Priests must be permitted to use the ritual to locate NPK corpses, and NPK priests must be permitted to locate PK corpses. Get the Pishite to bring some combat muscle along if you need it.
  3. Call a Witch. They can locate you and arrange help. They can even create a blorp using a scroll of the silicate blorpler spell so that other people can get to you or you can get back to your corpse, and in my experience witches are always helpful when people die in the terrains.
  4. Move in a straight line North / South / East / West from your corpse until you find a road, get a pishite to walk along the road until they find you, then get resurrected and return in the straight line to your corpse. Get the Pishite to bring some combat muscle along if you need it.
  5. See if you can get a Wizard to find you. With reasonable scrying and some common sense it's not that difficult, and most wizards can blorp the location, portal you to get raised / ressed, then portal you back to the corpse.
  6. If all else fails, start with method 3, make a careful note (use map) of the road around the place you found it, get raised in am / hedge guild / klk / oc, and then go back and look. This is risky, and may be hard, especially at night.


When people take time and effort out of their games to help you recover your equipment from a situation that you got yourself in, some recognition of their effort is nice. Paltry tokens are not!