Spell Component Finder

I think I have all the components for the main Offensive and Defensive spells identified, and some components for some of the Miscellaneous spells. Some of these may also be stocked in the various Player Shops and in Tarnach Fendertwain's shop in the Magical Supplies Emporium in Sator Square.

There are component shops in some of the guild buildings, components may also appear in some player shops. Alchemists and Apothecaries may also be of interest.

A stall in the Plaza of Broken Moons in Ankh-Morpork.
Fruit & Vegetable shops and stalls, Nadow's basket (Nadow will attempt to offer you a poisoned apple that you will be unable to resist).
These are the locations that I have used that are as far as I am aware "non Quest": For some of these you need to use a broom. This can be obtained by killing the McSweeney Kitchen Boy, Monks or Street Sweepers in CWC, a shop in Lancre Town, Street Cleaners in Genua.
Beeswax Candle
Stall in Ohulan Cutash market, the light shop on the Isle of Gods in Ankh-Morpork, Get it While We've Got It shop in Plaza of Broken Moons in Ankh-Morpork, a stall in Djelibeybi Bazaar, the IIL shop in Djelibeybi, lamp shop on Wung Chi in Bes Pelargic, stall in Bes Pelargic Divine Flower market, stall in Market Street in Ankh-Morpork, CWC Alchemists stall, Hedge Wizards in Ram Terrains, and light shop in Way of The Dragon in Bes Pelargic.
Black Shell
A stall in the covered market, High Tide Road, Bes Pelargic, possibly also the Temple of Fish in Cockbill Street in Ankh-Morpork, and a stall on Brown Island.
Body Parts
While holding a suitable knife, these can be got from a corpse.
Brass Rings
Get these from some NPCs (after killing them).
Vegetable shops in AM in Elm Street and Baker Street, a garden in Scrogden, Carrot Farmers in AM, and a stall in Djelibeybi Bazaar. NPC Wizards satchels in Ankh-Morpork or Sto Lat, but you have to kill the wizard fast and then wait for the corpse to decompose or the satchel explodes and does damage.
The Smithy in lm Street in AM sells chains, some suspicious looking men and women in Djelibeybi carry them, and a stall in the Black Market in Bes Pelargic sells them (pay attention to your environment in Long Street).
Chalk Powder
To obtain chalkpowder, you need either white pebbles or a white rock, and a hammer. Any hammer will do, from a small hammer to an ornate warhammer. syntax hold, syntax chip, syntax pulverise.
White rock can be obtained from the Rock Shop on uarry Lane in AM. Find your own map. White pebbles can also be obtained from some terrain areas, Blue Moon Park in BP, and the IIL Guild Shop in Djelibeybi.
To recognise the powder as chalk powder, buy a stick of chalk from the legibles shop in the Emporium in Sator Square, the Paper shop in Ankh (Ankh is the Northern half of Ankh Morpork), the Wizards shop in Hillshire or maybe some other places. With the stick of chalk and the white powder both shown as being carried, look chalk and powder. Note - you don't get a magic "the powder looks like chalk powder" at this point. Now just try casting the spell.
If the spell still does not work, check how much powder you have (syntax count). 50 pinches = a handful. 20 handfuls will fill the small bucket from the IIL Guild Shop in Djelibeybi. One pebble seems to deliver between 15 and 60 pinches. If the spell needs a handful of powder, anything less than 50 pinches is not enough!
A 10 lb (approx) white rock gives about 44 pebbles which pulverises to about 25 handfuls of chalk powder.
Chicken Feathers
See body parts, chickens can be found in a farmyard in Dinky, also chicken feathers may be found in some NPC wizard's satchels in either Ankh-Morpork or Sto Lat.
Alchemist's Guild Shop and the Djelibeybi IIL Guild Shop sell string bags containing crystals.
See Body Parts
See Body Parts
Frog (Powdered)
Powdered Frog can be purchased from the Apothecary in Ankh, North West (I think) of the Isle of Gods, and a shop at the Eastern extreme of The Serpent in CWC.
See Body Parts
See Body Parts
Get these by killing NPCs, or in some shops.
See Body Parts
Mandrake Roots
Alchemist's Guild shop in Ankh-Morpork, IIL Guild shop in Djelibeybi, and in the packs of Hedge Wizard NPCs in Ramtops, Uberwald and Steppes Terrain areas.
Mirrors can also be purchased in shops in the North of Ankh-Morpork, and NorthWest of Bes Pelargic, and in the packs of Hedge Wizard NPCs in Ramtops, Uberwald and Steppes Terrain areas. A wearable mirrored timepiece is also available from the Ninja Guild in CWC.
Chip rocks with hammers or Pickaxes. Rocks can be found in various places, or bought in the Rock Shop on Quarry Lane in Ankh-Morpork. Pebbles can also be found in various places, such as Blue Moon Park in CWC and Gloomy Forest.
Smoking shop on Broken Moons, Tobacco counter in Djelibeybi Fez Club, and in the packs of Hedge Wizard NPCs in Ramtops, Uberwald and Steppes Terrain areas. Hillshire tobacconist.
Smoking shop on Broken Moons, Tobacco counter in Djelibeybi Fez Club, and in the packs of Hedge Wizard NPCs in Ramtops, Uberwald and Steppes Terrain areas. Hillshire tobacconist.
Purple Mineral Powder
This can be found in Blue Moon park in CWC, using the skill crafts.mining.ore.panning. Search the streams throughout the park.
Rubber Knife
Assassin Guild Shops (ask a friendly assassin)
The Alchemist Guild shop in AM, the IIL Guild Shop in Djelibeybi, or trees in BP.
Shield Location
Wooden Djelian On Djelian Soldiers / Recruits in Djelibeybi
Mounted Pewter Shield Djelibeybi Bazaar Stall
Medium Leather LeatherWorkers stall in Plaza of Broken Moons in AM
Small Wooden Ohulan Cutash Armoury
Small Metal Elm Street Smithy in AM
Cloud Dragon Snail Shop in Bes Pelargic
Kushi Umbrella A hidden shop in Bes Pelargic
Medium Bone The newbie area
Medium Wooden Djelibeybi Gate Guard (Widdershins Gate)
Ephebian Round Ephebian Soldiers / Recruits in Djelibeybi
Medium Metal Bandit's in Gloomy Forest, Sto Lat Smithy
Thousand Rose Snail Shop in Bes Pelargic
Large Wooden Ohulan Cutash Armoury
3 Star Snail Shop in Bes Pelargic
Large Metal Elm Street Smithy in AM
Tsort Tsortean Soldiers / Recruits in Djelibeybi, also the guards in Djelibeybi Mansion
Guild shop in Djelibeybi IIL, Alchemists Guild shop in AM, CWC Alchemists stall.
Some general stores in various cities, towns and villages, a stall in Ohulan Cutash market, specialist shops in Ankh Morpork, Sto Lat, Djelibeybi and Bes Pelargic.
Grade 4 Varnish can usually be purchased as a fish carved from varnish from a shop on Cockbill Street, the Guild Shop in the IIL, CWC Alchemists stall, and a vendor in the Covered Market on High Tide Road in BP. Sadel in Genua may have some in his pack.