Defensive Spells, Parry / Block and Dodge

The primary function of shield spells is to protect wizards whilst they cast offensive spells. Although some shield spells may be usable in melee combat, this is not what they are designed for, and in some cases attempting to combine shield spells and melee combat is penalised.

Shield Spells

Chrenedict's Calcerous Covering (CCC)
This gives the target a hard, troll-like skin. Provides some resistance to sharp and pierce weapons except at the neck. Up to three layers may be cast, it is believed that the method skillchecks are harder for each layer. It is also suspected that the number of impacts that each layer will absorb may depend on the caster's bonus in magic.spells.defensive.
Endorphin's Floating Friend (EFF)
Floating Shield - A shield floats in orbit around the caster and intercepts physical attacks. The caster's bonus in magic.spells.defensive controls how heavy a shield can be controlled effectively. The spell only protects the caster.
Grisald's Reanimated Guardian (GRG)
Creates a Skeleton Warrior that blocks physical attacks. CCC, SFP and TPA may be cast on the Skeleton Warrior. The warrior soaks XP. The spell only protects the caster.
Heezelwurst's Elemental Buffer (HEB)
Creates a magical shield around the caster protecting from fire, cold, acid, noxious fumes and plasma damage. The spell only protects the caster, and requires an octogram.
Sorklin's Field of Protection (SFP)
Creates a barrier shield around the target, protects from physical attacks.
Transendent Pneumatic Alleviator (TPA)
Creates a barrier shield around the target, protects from physical attacks. Stronger than SFP.

EFF, Parry and Dodge

You will not parry or dodge in normal melee combat with an EFF shield floating around you. However, there are some special cases that are not "melee combat" where it is possible that an EFF may not prevent parrying or dodging. It is believed that this includes the following situations:

but with the exception of falling trees, these have not been confirmed.

EFF, Combat Actions and GP

EFF does not use GP, however, EFF does use Combat Actions. This may mean that in a non neutral melee attitude, EFF uses the combat actions that would otherwise be used in melee combat, even though the GP cost of that melee combat is still charged. This causes the perceived effect of EFF appearing to use GP. The solution is to use options combat tactics attitude = neutral when using EFF. The effect can also be alleviated by a high bonus in fighting.special.tactics.

Dodge vs Parry / Block vs Neutral

Dodge generally requires a low burden, most Dodge users try and keep their burden below 20%, many of them strive for much lower levels. The exceptions tend to be people with very high bonuses. It is possible to Dodge attacks while casting spells when EFF is not active, regardless of the chosen combat response.

Parry and Block are essentially the same technique, depending on whether using a weapon or a shield. They are sensitive to burden, but generally less so than Dodge. It is not possible to Parry or Block attacks when casting spells.

Neutral response is described as having a bonus to a pure Dodge / Parry / Block response. It requires that the character advance both Dodge and Parry / Block skills. If the chosen response to a specific attack is Dodge, any burden penalties may still apply to the ability to dodge succesfully.

Due to the weight of spell components, Parry is often though of as the preferred response for young Wizards. However, the ability to Dodge when casting spells after EFF, TPA and CCC failure is often seen as desirable too, and so wizards may wish to develope their Dodge skills and use the Neutral tactics setting. Some wizards may choose to try and maintain a low burden and concentrate on Dodge as to backup their magical shields.

Dodge and Casting

It is possible to dodge while casting spells. At 44% burden I can occasionally dodge while casting with a fighting.defence.dodging bonus of 220.


Each wizard needs to consider their abilities and the way their character works when determining whether to rely solely on magical shields, or to back these up with a melee defense, and if so which melee defense to use. There is no one size fits all solution. It is also possible that as a character develops the defensive postures that are seen to be preferable may change.