EFF Shields

This table contains "best guesstimates" for bonuses for the various EFF shields. These ma.sp.def levels represent a trade-off between tming and blocking attacks, and other peoples' perception of what is a decent proportion of attacks to block may vary from yours!

Following some changes made in early 2004, it seems that tming above about 330 bonus from EFF is extremely rare. This is shown by the red line in the table. Bonuses below the red line are believed to be the minimums for effective blocking, and are not given with tming in mind. It may be that at these bonus levels players tend not to use a shield with a low enough block rate to have a decent chance of a tm.

Research initially carried out in 2003 and repeated in 2009 suggests that EFF shields tm ma.sp.def best when they are blocking 50% of attacks. At this point, TMs may occur as frequently as every 50 attacks that the shield attempts to block.

Note that ma.sp.def may not be the only skill that needs to be increased with heavier shields. There is some evidence that more binding is required to cast EFF on heavier shields.

Table 1. Standard Shields

Shield Weight (lb)1 "50%" ma.sp.def2 Blocking ma.sp.def2 Source (Not all verified)
Shield Brooch ? - - Wearable. Search the garden of the Artificiers Guild in Sto Lat. This can be used as a "shield" component in spells and rituals. Following changes made in 2009, the use of this shield for sfp, tpa and major shield is limited, as the shield it creates is weaker than one created with a "true" shield.
Mounted Pewter Shield 1 6/9 - - Engraved goods stall, Djelibeybi Bazaar. This is a furniture item that can be used as a "shield" component in spells and rituals. Following changes made in 2009, the use of this shield for sfp, tpa and major shield is limited, as the shield it creates is weaker than one created with a "true" shield.
Small Leather ? ? < 100 Griffith Cwlyd's Tannery, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpor
Medium Leather 4 4/9 ? 100 Griffith Cwlyd's Tannery, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork
Wooden Djelian 5 5/9 ? 120 Djelian soldiers & recruits, Djelibeybi
Small Wooden 6 2/3 ? 130 Gribot's Armoury, Lancre Street, Ohulan-Cutash; Brerand's Armoury, Tenth Egg Street, Ankh-Morpork
Small Metal 8 8/9 ? 165 Baldwin's Smithy, Filigree Street, Ankh-Morpork; Brerand's Armoury, Tenth Egg Street, Ankh-Morpork; Weapon and Armour Shop, Elm Street, Ankh-Morpork; Smithy, Easy Street, Ankh-Morpork
Cloud Dragon 8 8/9 ? 165 Snail shop, Player shops
Ephebian Round 10 ? 180 Ephebian soldiers & recruits, Djelibeybi
Kushi Umbrella 11 1/9 ? 190 Jun Cla Dey, Bes Pelargic
Medium Bone 11 1/9 ? 190 Ankh Morpork Palace Guard Armoury
Medium Wooden 13 1/3 200 220 Gribot's Armoury, Lancre Street, Ohulan-Cutash; Bodyguards, Ankh-Morpork; Guard, Hubwards gate, Djelibeybi
Custom Large Bone
High Quality
Approx 15 210 240 Ug Ogg
Medium Metal 17 7/9 ? 270 Royal Market Smithy, Sto Lat; Brerand's Armoury, Tenth Egg Street, Ankh-Morpork; Captain Carrot, Ankh-Morpork; Bandits, Bandit Camp; Fighters, Sur terrain roads
Thousand Rose 17 7/9 ? 270 Snail shop, Player shops
Large Wooden 20 ? 300 Gribot's Armoury, Lancre Street, Ohulan-Cutash
3 Star 26 2/3 ? 370 (450? for maximum blocking) Snail shop, Player shops
Large Metal 26 2/3 ? 370 (450? for maximum blocking) Royal Market Smithy, Sto Lat; Weapon and Armour Shop, Elm Street, Ankh-Morpork
Tsortean Metal 27 7/9 ? 430 (520 for maximum blocking) Tsortean soldiers & recruits, Mansion security guards, Djelibeybi
Large Copper (or Silver) Wall (or Tower) Shield (premium grade material) 32 (approx) ? 500+? (600+? for maximum blocking) Custom Armour Shop, Djelian Guard Guildhouse, Djelibeybi

Table 2. Weights (pounds) Given by Ug Ogg for Custom Shields3

Size Material Quality
Inferior Low Medium High Premium
Small Leather 3 3 3 3 3
Bone / Wood 4 5 5 5 5
Everything Else 8 8 8 9 9
Silver / Copper 9 10 10 11 11
Medium Leather 6 6 7 7 7
Bone / Wood 9 10 10 11 11
Everything Else 16 16 17 18 19
Silver / Copper 19 20 21 22 23
Large Leather 8 9 9 10 10
Bone / Wood 13 13 14 15 16
Everything Else 22 23 24 25 26
Silver / Copper 26 27 29 30 32

1 Heavier shields are harder to knock down, so will stand up better to attacks, but require a higher binding bonus to lift into orbit, and a higher defensive bonus to control effectively. A heavier shield will also swoop less for a given bonus, this may be beneficial for tm'ing the ma.sp.def skill, and if the shield is part of a multi-layer defense as a low swoop rate means less knock-outs (but more damage to the next layer).

2 These are guidelines and represent a tradeoff between optimal tming and good blocking. Use the shield at a lower bonus to tm. It will block more at a higher bonus. The 50% blocking bonuses are approximate, where given, from 2009 research

3 These are the weights given by the armourer when ordering the shield, not neccessarily the accurate weights of the finished shield.