Staves (by length)

Staves are weapons that can be used for the command "octograve".

Staff Weight (lb) Hands Length Judge Special Class
Red Staff 3 3/9 lb. 2 7' good bash polearm
Crooked Staff 3 3/9 lb. 2 6'6" very good bash polearm
Bo 4 4/9 lb. 2 6' very good bash polearm
Dark Brown Staff 3 8/9 lb. 2 6' rather good none polearm
Goatherd's Crook 3 3/9 lb. 2 6' very good bash and stab polearm
Black Lacquered Staff 4 2/9 lb. 2 5' rather good bash polearm
Wooden Staff 3 8/9 lb. 1 5' very good bash and smash polearm
Jo 2 7/9 lb. 2 4'6" very good bash polearm
Old Staff 3 3/9 lb. 2 4' very good bash polearm
Tachibo 5 3/9 lb. (with blade inserted) 2 3'6" very good bash polearm
Tachibo 2 2/9 lb. (with blade removed) 1 3'6" very good bash polearm
Walking Stick 2 4/9 lb. 1 3' good bash mace


The walking stick is included as it supports the octograve command, even though it's weapon class is mace.

I'm not convinced that a pierce damage based special (stab) is compatible with a wizard's staff, but the goatherd's crook can octograve.