Tips and Tricks

This is where I explain some of the things I do to make my MUDding easier, more enjoyable, and more fun

Managing Blorples

I have nine wearable containers identified with the same name using the witches' spell "Delusions of Grandeur". I am able to refer to these containers collectively using an appropriate plural term. The containers are:

Each of these has been deluded as "blorples", and collectively they are "blorplesses" or "every blorples".

This allows me to "get <thing> from blorplesses" and "put <thing> in blorplesses", or "get <thing> from every blorples" and "put <thing> in every blorples".

I have also deluded all of my blorples using the spell, so that each blorple has a unique name relating to the location it will create a portal to.

This allows me to create aliases such as:

alias port get $*$ from blorplesses;cast jpct on $*$;put $*$ in blorplesses


alias port get $*$ from every blorples;cast jpct on $*$;put $*$ in every blorples

Note - using the "every blorples" method will work with identified "blorples" items, as well as deluded but not yet turned "blorples" items. The pluralised "blorplesses" method only works after the items have completed deluding.


This is my implementation of a method I found on the Spellcheck Project website, which can be found on the links page.

The general spell-casting alias I use is:

alias c cast $1$$ifarg2: on $2*$$endif$;

I use this with spell nicknames to enable me to cast spells without typing the full name. Now I can use the following:

c eff ephebian shield
c tpa elauna
c pfg
c nes ephebian soldier

Spell Nicknames

nickname A Cup of Tea and Sake as cts
nickname al'hrahaz's scintillating blorpler as ahsb
nickname amazing silicate blorpler as asb
nickname atmospheric inscription wonder as aiw
nickname bifram's amazing fireworks as baf
nickname booch's extremal polymorphism as bep
nickname boolywog's forbidden pleasures as bfp
nickname brassica oleracea ambulata as boa
nickname brother happalon's elementary enchanting as bhee
nickname Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty as ceib
nickname Cherry Blossoms in Bloom as cbb
nickname chrenedict's calcareous covering as ccc
nickname collatrap's instant pickling stick as cips
nickname crondor's fabulous detection as cfd
nickname crondor's mysterious sparkling as cms
nickname dismal digit of doom as ddd
nickname doctor kelleflump's deadly demon as dkdd
nickname duander's thaumic luminosity disperser as dtld
nickname effermhor's hypersonic assault as eha
nickname endorphin's floating friend as eff
nickname eringyas' surprising bouquet as esb
nickname fabrication classification identification as fci
nickname finneblaugh's thaumic float as ftf
nickname floron's fabulous mirror as ffm
nickname friddlefrod's hydratic extrusion as fhe
nickname frygellhan's fiendish orbit disruptor as ffod
nickname fyodor's nimbus of porterage as fnp
nickname g'flott's olfactory nightmare as gon
nickname grisald's chilly touch as gct
nickname grisald's reanimated guardian as grg
nickname gryntard's feathery reliever as gfr
nickname heezlewurst's elemental buffer as heb
nickname independent recurring vocaliser as irv
nickname jogloran's portal of cheaper travel as jpct
nickname jorodin's magnificent communicator as jmc
nickname Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon as jhsd
nickname kamikaze oryctolagus flammula as kof
nickname kipperwald's perlustration prevention as kpp
nickname malich's penetrating ocular lance as mpol
nickname master glimer's amazing glowing thing as mgagt
nickname master woddeley's luminescent companion as mwlc
nickname memories of a vicious chicken as mvc
nickname mugwuddle's muddling mirage as mmm
nickname myrandil's mask of death as mmd
nickname myrandil's vicious seizure as mvs
nickname nargl'frob's empyrean spear as nes
nickname narquin's hand of acquisition as nha
nickname narquin's mist of doom as nmd
nickname objandeller's thaumic funnel as otf
nickname old bellicus' brazen knuckles as obbk
nickname Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather Butterfly as ptqwb
nickname polliwiggle's puissancy probe as ppp
nickname pragi's fiery gaze as pfg
nickname pragi's lost gaze as plg
nickname Reckless Encouragement of Arcane Peacock as reap
nickname rubayak's power storage as rps
nickname Rugged Victor's Rodentia Vivisection as rvrv
nickname sageroff's sentry summoning as sss2
nickname scolorid's scintillating scribbling as sss
nickname sorklin's field of protection as sfp
nickname sorsalsean's seismic eruption as sse
nickname stacklady's morphic resonator as smr
nickname Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates as tdcf
nickname torqvald's illusion generatrix as tig
nickname torqvald's many colours as tmc
nickname transcendent pneumatic alleviator as tpa
nickname Union of the Phoenix and Divine Dragon as updd
nickname wonker's wicked wobble as www
nickname worstler's advanced metallurgical glance as wamg
nickname worstler's elementary mineralogical glance as wemg
nickname wungle's body part suggestion as wbps
nickname wungle's great sucking as wgs
nickname wurphle's midnight snack as wms
nickname yordon's extremal extension as yee


I assume all wizards know by the time they get here that you can:

identify hunter's pack as component pouch;

and get components from the pack automatically for each spell. Well you can have multiple component pouches, so you can also:

identify dagger scabbard as component pouch;

if that's where you keep your knife for components and nmd, and now you can simply "draw knife" and "sheathe knife" before and after getting components, and it is also available as a component for NMD. This also works if you have a rubber knife for WWW.