Unseen University Maps

People often request maps of Unseen University. Here are the ones I've collected and edited. I think I got the originals from Quatrocentro's website, but the library map might be based on one from Sekiri's.

I also have an IIL Map and a CWC Library Map linked from my maps page.

The Main Floor

UU Map The Gym Tome
  • Rugged Victor's Rodentia Vivisection
  • Worstler's Elementary Mineralogical Glance
  • Sorklin's Field of Protection
  • Collatrap's Instant Pickling Stick
  • Malich's Penetrating Ocular Lance
  • Finneblaugh's Thaumic Float
  • Scolorid's Scintillating Scribbling
  • Memories of a Vicious Chicken
  • Grisald's Chilly Touch
  • Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion
  • Eringyas' Surprising Bouquet
  • Amazing Silicate Blorpler
  • Independent Recurring Vocaliser
  • Boolywog's Forbidden Pleasures
  • Torqvald's Many Colours


UU Upstairs

The Basement (Catacombs)

UU Basement

Note It is rumoured that there has been some instability in the basement recently. If you find corridors that don't correspond to this map, please consult with the High Priest of Sandelfon.

The Library (May Be Out of Date)


Books & Their Spells

  1. Occult Primer
  2. Poems
  3. Air
    Effermhor's Hypersonic Assault, Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage, G'flott's Olfactory Nightmare, Gryntard's Feathery Reliever, Transcendent Pneumatic Alleviator
  4. Fire
    Atmospheric Inscription Wonder, Bifram's Amazing Fireworks, Duander's Thaumic Luminosity Disperser, Kamikaze Oryctolagus Flammula
  5. Earth
    Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering, Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles, Sorsalsean's Seismic Eruption
  6. Conjuring
    Brassica Oleracea Ambulata, Master Woddeley's Luminescent Companion, Mugwuddle's Muddling Mirage, Objandeller's Thaumic Funnel, Torqvald's Illusion Generatrix
  7. Multiverse
    Brother Happalon's Elementary Enchanting, Endorphin's Floating Friend, Fabrication Classification Identification, Frygellhan's Fiendish Orbit Disruptor, Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer, Jogloran's Portal of Cheaper Travel, Rubayak's Power Storage, Master Glimer's Amazing Glowing Thing
  8. Corpse Parts
    Dismal Digit of Doom, Myrandil's Mask of Death, Narquin's Hand of Acquisition, Pragi's Fiery Gaze
  9. Scrying
    Floron's Fabulous Mirror, Kipperwald's Perlustration Prevention, Polliwiggle's Puissancy Probe, Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance
  10. Food
    Whurples Midnight Snack
  11. Weather
    Nargl'frob's Empyrean Spear, Gillimer's Ring of Temperate Weather
  12. Artifacts
    Crondor's Fabulous Detection, Crondor's Mysterious Sparkling, Wonker's Wicked Wobble, Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence
  13. Advanced Body Parts
    Grisald's Reanimated Guardian, Myrandil's Vicious Seizure, Narquin's Mist of Doom, Von Hasselhoff's Skin Condition, Wungle's Body Part Suggestion, Wungle's Great Sucking
  14. Summoning
    Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon, Sageroff's Sentry Summoning, Kelleflump's Irritating Demon, Professor Flambardie's Grim Amulet, Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition

In The Library


The library uses relative directions. These are forwards (fw), backwards (bw), left (lt) and right (rt). These act as follows:


From the room outside the library, to the Fire volume:

n, rt, f, fw, lt, fw, fw, lt, rt

... to the Air volume:

n, lt, fw, fw, rt, fw, fw

... to the Earth volume:

n, lt, fw, fw, rt, fw, rt, fw, lt, fw, fw, rt, rt, lt, lt

... to the conjuring volume:

n, lt, fw, fw, fw, rt, fw, fw, fw, rt, lt, fw, rt

If you still can't work it out, maybe the wizard's guild is not for you!


The Library has two main hazards:

Staying safe in the presence of the librarian is easy. Do not, under any circumstances, and regardless of what anyone tells you, say the word monkey. Don't shout it. Don't even use it in emotes.

Distortions may create extra exits, or may appear in regular exits. They move about. If you walk through a distortion you will move into L-Space.

Distortions show in the room description. The exits created by distortions appear as normal exits in the exit list. You must have verbose look on and read the full room description to determine whether the direction ion which you want to move is masked by a distortion, if it is find an alternative route or wait for the distortion to move. Distortions usually move after about five minutes.


L-Space links libraries throughout the multiverse. It is not constant. There is no simple way out. If you end up in L-Space, the following will happen:

My method for navigating or escaping L-Space is based on the theory that upon entering a maze, one should immediately elect either the left or the right wall and follow that wall through the maze. If you understand this concept, try it. Otherwise, random wanderings are all you can do in the hope you will find a gap. Good luck, have fun, and remember, we will point and laugh if you start getting antsy on the talker about being lost.

The Cloisters

The Cloisters


  1. Rods
  2. Misc
  3. Binding
  4. Offensive
  5. Channeling
  6. Evoking
  7. Wands
  8. Scrying
  9. Defensive
  10. Animation
  11. Staves
  12. Special
  13. Enchanting
  14. Points
  15. Convoking
  16. Scrolls