_Date | Date that the referenced credit score was produced.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year |
_ExclusionReasonType | An enumerated list of reasons why a credit score could not be generated. |
_FACTAInquiriesIndicator | This indicator is set to Y when the borrower's Credit Risk Score Value was negatively affected by the presence of credit inquiry records on their credit report. There may be FACT Act compliance requirements related to this alert message. |
_ModelNameType | Identifies the score algorithm model name used to produce the referenced credit risk score. |
_ModelNameTypeOtherDescription | When the Credit Score Model Name Type is set to Other, this element holds the description. |
_Value | Numeric credit score resulting from credit evaluation model.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
CreditReportIdentifier | A reference number assigned by the credit bureau to a specific credit report. This report number is also referenced when a Reissue, Upgrade, or Status Query of an existing report is requested. |
CreditRepositorySourceType | This element describes the source of the credit file - Equifax, Experian, Trans Union or just Merged Data if the specific sources are not specified. |
CreditRepositorySourceTypeOtherDescription | When Credit Repository Source Type is set to Other, enter its value in this data element. |
CreditScoreID | |