FloodCertificationIdentifierThe certification number assigned by the compliance company when an order is received from the submitting / requesting party.
FloodContractFeeAmountThe amount charged by the provider to obtain the Flood Contract associated with the subject property.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
FloodDeterminationLifeofLoanIndicatorIndicates if the flood contract with the compliance company is for the Life of the Loan.
FloodPartialIndicatorIndicates that a portion of the subject property is in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
FloodProductCertifyDateThe date on which the flood determination was assessed by the certification provider.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year
NFIPCommunityIdentifierThe 6 digit NFIP community number.
NFIPCommunityNameThe complete name of the community in which the building or mobile home is located.
NFIPCommunityParticipationStatusTypeA code indicating the type of flood program
NFIPCommunityParticipationStatusTypeOtherDescriptionA free-form text field used to capture the NFIP Community Participation Status Type Other Description if Other is selected.
NFIPFloodZoneIdentifierThe flood zone covering the building or mobile home.
NFIPMapIdentifierThe 11-digit number shown on the NFIP map that covers the building or mobile home. (Full concatenated version of the National Flood Community Identifier, NFIP Map Panel Identifier, NFIP Map Panel Suffix Identifier)
NFIPMapPanelDateThe map effective date or the map revised date shown on the NFIP map.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: date, DateTime, Year
NFIPMapPanelIdentifierThe 4-digit number that describes the panel in which the property is located
SpecialFloodHazardAreaIndicatorFlag that indicates if flood insurance is required. Indicating if any portion of the building/mobile home is in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
