_ApartmentOrUnitThe Apartment, Suite or Unit number component of the address.
_BuildingNumberA building number component of the street address.
_DirectionPrefixThe Direction Prefix address component that appears before the Street Name. (N, S, E, W, NW, SW, NE, SE).
_DirectionSuffixThe Direction Suffix address component that appears after the Street Name. (N, S, E, W, NW, SW, NE, SE).
_HouseNumberThe house number address component.
_Military_APO_FPOThe APO or FPO box number component of an address.
_PostOfficeBoxThe post office box address component of the address, it is normally part of a rural route address.
_RuralRouteThe rural route or start route number component of an address.
_StreetNameThe street name component of an address without any direction or quadrant indicators or street suffixes.
_StreetSuffixThe street suffix or street type component of an address (ST, AV, BV, CT, DR, PL, etc.) Use U.S. Postal Service approved abbreviations.
