_AdditionalParcelDescriptionIf more than one Parcel Description is required, additional descriptions are placed here
_AdditionalParcelIdentifierIf more than one Parcel Identifier is required, additional identifiers are placed here
_AppurtenanceDescriptionIf more than one Appurtenance is referenced, additional descriptions are placed here
_AppurtenanceIdentifierIf more than one Appurtenance is referenced, additional identifiers are placed here
_BuildingIdentifierThe building number used to identify a building within a legal description. This may contain letters as well as digits.
_PlatCodeIdentifierThe plat code value used to identify a property in the legal description of that property.
_PlatInstrumentIdentifierThe identifier of the instrument used in uniquely identifying the property.
_SequenceIdentifierIf more than one platted land legal description is used this indicates which order they should appear on the document
_TypeThis indicates what type of platted land is being described. While similar, it can be different from type of ownership.
_TypeOtherDescriptionThe description of the type of platting used when Other is selected from the enumerated list
_UnitNumberIdentifierThe unit number used to identify a condominium or other unit within a project in the legal description of the property.
PlatNameThe name used to identify the plat in the propertys legal description.
PropertyBlockIdentifierLegal description block number of property being financed.
PropertyLotIdentifierLegal Description Lot number of property being financed.
PropertySectionIdentifierLegal Description Section number of property being financed.
PropertySubdivisionIdentifierThe legal description subdivision name of property being financed.
PropertyTractIdentifierA tract identifier used to legally identify a property. This identifier may be different than the census tract identifier.
RecordedDocumentBookThe book or liber of the public record where the document is recorded.
RecordedDocumentPageThe page of the volume of the book of the public record where the document is recorded.
