_AdditionalParcelDescription | If more than one Parcel Description is required, additional descriptions are placed here |
_AdditionalParcelIdentifier | If more than one Parcel Identifier is required, additional identifiers are placed here |
_AppurtenanceDescription | If more than one Appurtenance is referenced, additional descriptions are placed here |
_AppurtenanceIdentifier | If more than one Appurtenance is referenced, additional identifiers are placed here |
_BuildingIdentifier | The building number used to identify a building within a legal description. This may contain letters as well as digits. |
_ID | |
_PlatCodeIdentifier | The plat code value used to identify a property in the legal description of that property. |
_PlatInstrumentIdentifier | The identifier of the instrument used in uniquely identifying the property. |
_SequenceIdentifier | If more than one platted land legal description is used this indicates which order they should appear on the document |
_Type | This indicates what type of platted land is being described. While similar, it can be different from type of ownership. |
_TypeOtherDescription | The description of the type of platting used when Other is selected from the enumerated list |
_UnitNumberIdentifier | The unit number used to identify a condominium or other unit within a project in the legal description of the property. |
PlatName | The name used to identify the plat in the propertys legal description. |
PropertyBlockIdentifier | Legal description block number of property being financed. |
PropertyLotIdentifier | Legal Description Lot number of property being financed. |
PropertySectionIdentifier | Legal Description Section number of property being financed. |
PropertySubdivisionIdentifier | The legal description subdivision name of property being financed. |
PropertyTractIdentifier | A tract identifier used to legally identify a property. This identifier may be different than the census tract identifier. |
RecordedDocumentBook | The book or liber of the public record where the document is recorded. |
RecordedDocumentPage | The page of the volume of the book of the public record where the document is recorded. |