_AbstractNumberIdentifierAn Identifier, usually a number, for an abstract document which describes a parcel of land.
_BaseIdentifierThe Government Survey Base coordinate of the property that is the east-west line from which to measure Township lines (six [6] miles apart) north or south of the base line. For example: Township 2 North, Range 2 West measured from a Base and Meridian point.
_DescriptionTypeThe type of land description system used for unplatted lands, either Government Survey, or metes and bounds, or other (e.g. land grants).
_DescriptionTypeOtherDescriptionA free-form text field used to describe the type of land description system used for unplatted lands if Other is selected as the Unplatted Land Description Type.
_LandGrantIdentifierIdentifier of Land Grants issued by foreign governments to then citizens of the country during that countrys ownership or control of a territory now part of the United States, e.g. Gomez Grant.
_MeridianIdentifierThe Government survey Meridian of the property is the north-south line from which to measure Range lines east and west of the Meridian, or starting point.
_MetesAndBoundsRemainingDescriptionThe text of the remaining portion of a Metes and Bounds description after indexing information is populated into the other data fields. For example: Commencing 96.8 rods North and 155 rods West from the Southeast corner of Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, West 105.495 feet; thence South 98 feet; thence West 60 feet; thence South 34 feet; thence East 10.03 rods; thence North 8 rods to the point of beginning. There are two other terms that often appear in metes and bounds descriptions: a chain, which is approximately 66 feet, and a rod which is approximately one-quarter of a chain or 16.5 feet.
_QuarterSectionIdentifierThe quarter section(s) in which the property is located based on the Government Survey system. Quarter Sections can be divided into as many as four quarter (or half) sections. When multiple quarter sections are called they are listed as a string in this attribute. (e.g.: The "NE quarter of the SE quarter" is represented as NE,SE.)
_SequenceIdentifierIf more than one platted land legal description is used this indicates which order they should appear on the document
PropertyRangeIdentifierA piece of land measuring 6 miles by 6 miles. It's measured East and West in columns. Commonly used in a grid along with Township and Section to describe an area of land at the county level.
PropertySectionIdentifierLegal Description Section number of property being financed.
PropertyTownshipIdentifierA piece of land measuring 6 miles by 6 miles. It is measured North and South in rows. Commonly used in a grid along with Range and Section to describe an area of land at the county level.
