CondominiumIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the property is a condominium.
CondominiumPUDDeclarationsDescriptionThe full text description of the Condo or PUD declarations.
JudicialDistrictNameThe name of the Judicial District in which the subject property resides.
JudicialDivisionNameThe name of the Judicial Division in which the subject property resides.
ManufacturedHomeIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the subject property is a manufactured home.
NFIPCommunityIdentifierDeprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element
NFIPCommunityNameDeprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element
NFIPCommunityParticipationStatusTypeDeprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element
NFIPCommunityParticipationStatusTypeOtherDescriptionA free-form text field used to capture the NFIP Community Participation Status Type Other Description if Other is selected.
NFIPFloodZoneIdentifierDeprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element
OneToFourFamilyIndicatorWhen true, indicates that the Property consists of between one and four units.
ProjectNameThe name of the project in which subject property is located. (e.g., the name of the condominium or cooperative)
ProjectTotalSharesCountEnumerates the total outstanding shares of the project (e.g. cooperative ownership stock)Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
PropertyUnincorporatedAreaNameArea where the property resides if it is not incorporated into a city, town, village, etc.
RecordingJurisdictionNameThe name of the Recording Jurisdiction in which the subject property resides.
RecordingJurisdictionTypeThe type of Recording Jurisdiction in which the subject property is located.
RecordingJurisdictionTypeOtherDescriptionThe description of the Recording Jurisdiction Type when Other is selected from the enumerated list.
