_ID | |
CondominiumIndicator | When true, indicates that the property is a condominium. |
CondominiumPUDDeclarationsDescription | The full text description of the Condo or PUD declarations. |
JudicialDistrictName | The name of the Judicial District in which the subject property resides. |
JudicialDivisionName | The name of the Judicial Division in which the subject property resides. |
ManufacturedHomeIndicator | When true, indicates that the subject property is a manufactured home. |
NFIPCommunityIdentifier | Deprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element |
NFIPCommunityName | Deprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element |
NFIPCommunityParticipationStatusType | Deprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element |
NFIPCommunityParticipationStatusTypeOtherDescription | A free-form text field used to capture the NFIP Community Participation Status Type Other Description if Other is selected. |
NFIPFloodZoneIdentifier | Deprecated: to be included in separate Flood Determination Element |
OneToFourFamilyIndicator | When true, indicates that the Property consists of between one and four units. |
ProjectName | The name of the project in which subject property is located. (e.g., the name of the condominium or cooperative) |
ProjectTotalSharesCount | Enumerates the total outstanding shares of the project (e.g. cooperative ownership stock)Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob |
PropertyUnincorporatedAreaName | Area where the property resides if it is not incorporated into a city, town, village, etc. |
RecordingJurisdictionName | The name of the Recording Jurisdiction in which the subject property resides. |
RecordingJurisdictionType | The type of Recording Jurisdiction in which the subject property is located. |
RecordingJurisdictionTypeOtherDescription | The description of the Recording Jurisdiction Type when Other is selected from the enumerated list. |